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E-scrap issues abound around the globe

Published: January 30, 2020


Electronics recycling has made headlines around the world in recent weeks. | Vasin Lee/Shutterstock

Countries and companies worldwide are looking to support proper end-of-life device management, according to recent news reports and announcements.

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Processor: Battery-sparked fires burn ‘fast and furious’

Published: January 23, 2020


Lithium-ion batteries have caused numerous fires around the country, both in e-scrap facilities and in materials recovery facilities. | Mehaniq/Shutterstock

An e-scrap firm recently described the fire hazard lithium-ion batteries present and emphasized the importance of identifying and properly handling them.

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Researchers explore PCB flame retardant removal

Published: January 23, 2020


Printed circuit boards are made of roughly 30% metal and 70% nonmetals. | Sebastian_Photography/Shutterstock

Scientists who set their sights on potentially hazardous chemicals in scrap electronics say they can effectively break down the flame retardants in shredded circuit boards.

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Certification Scorecard: Jan. 23, 2020

Published: January 23, 2020


The following organizations have achieved one or more of the following NAID AAA certifications: physical destruction of hard drives, physical destruction of solid state devices, over-writing or degaussing of physical hard drives, over-writing of solid state devices:

Minnesota Computers for Schools of Minneapolis; RecordsPro/Shredmonkey of Indianapolis; Shred Experts of Saginaw, Mich.; TITAN Mobile Shredding of Pipersville, Pa.; and Wing Kai Destruction & Recycle Co. of Ping Shan, Hong Kong.

Visit our archive to view previous editions of the scorecard.


2020 E-Scrap Conference and Trade Show

Clover says it will emerge from bankruptcy soon

Published: January 23, 2020

Bankruptcy paperwork with calculator.

4L Holdings, the parent company for Clover Wireless, voluntarily filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in December. | TheaDesign/Shutterstock

A major North American phone repair and remarketing company has received court approval to restructure its debt, allowing it to come out of bankruptcy in the coming days.

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Right-to-repair advocates make their case in one statehouse

Published: January 23, 2020


In Olympia, Wash., right-to-repair proponents and opponents testified during a Jan. 21 hearing in front of the Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee. | jfergusonphotos/Shutterstock

Electronics repair stakeholders clashed over right-to-repair legislation in Washington state this week, as a number of state legislatures begin taking up similar bills.

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Potential e-plastics export disruption on the horizon

Published: January 16, 2020

Cargo ship docked at port.

In April, the Chinese government will enact new requirements for pellet imports. | Piyathep/Shutterstock

Officials in Beijing are set to enact new requirements around the purity of recycled plastic pellets imported into China, which could disrupt international markets for U.S. e-plastics.
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