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Our top stories from January 2020

Published: February 6, 2020


E-Scrap News readers last month were drawn to a write-up about the importance of identifying and properly handling lithium-ion batteries. | Mehaniq/Shutterstock

A variety of stories drew readers’ interest last month, including articles about repair legislation, CRT settlements, battery fires, debt restructuring and a printer stockpile.

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ITAD firm expands footprint into Northeast

Published: February 6, 2020


The new Taunton, Mass. facility has 44,000 square feet of total processing space, with room for expansion. | Gerardo.G/Shutterstock

SMR Worldwide has opened an electronics processing facility near Boston, the latest expansion for the fast-growing ITAD services provider.

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CEO acknowledges ‘misstep’ in speaker software move

Published: January 30, 2020


In his apology, Sonos CEO Patrick Spence pledged the company would keep legacy products updated with bug fixes and security patches for as long as possible. | ClassyPictures/Shutterstock

The leader of electronics manufacturer Sonos apologized amid controversy over his company’s decision to end software updates for old smart speaker systems, assuring customers the devices won’t become obsolete.

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Cascade: Mobile resale prices surge, computer values drop

Published: January 30, 2020


Cascade’s annual report includes data the company collected on the 560,000 assets it processed in 2018 and 2019. | fizkes/Shutterstock

Resale values for used computers declined in 2019 after multiple years of increases, according to an ITAD firm. One possible culprit is generators opting for device destruction over data wiping.

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Experts react to China’s updated metals specs

Published: January 30, 2020


China’s imports of some categories of non-ferrous metals, including copper, have gone down because of import quotas. | Andrew b Stowe/Shutterstock

Reports from the Bureau of International Recycling shine a light on non-ferrous scrap metal markets as we enter the new year, particularly in China.

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