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E-Scrap News magazine is the premier trade journal for electronics recycling and refurbishment experts. It offers updates on the latest equipment and technology, details trends in electronics recycling legislation, highlights the work of innovative processors, and covers all the other critical industry news.

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Specialty waste company acquires e-scrap operations

Published: August 13, 2020

Scrap RAM modules for recycling.

Harsco pushed further into the electronics recycling space over the past year with the acquisitions of Clean Earth and Stericycle. | vladdon/Shutterstock

Harsco Corporation over the past year made two acquisitions that brought the company into the electronics recycling space, according to its annual sustainability report.

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Processing research examines new recovery methods

Published: August 13, 2020

Mobile devices for e-scrap processing.

Researchers announced advancements in rare earth element recovery using a natural protein.| vilax/Shutterstock

Researchers developed a way to recycle e-scrap into a protective coating for steel. Meanwhile, a different team used a natural protein to extract rare earth elements from e-scrap.

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Connecticut boosts prices it pays to e-scrap firms

Published: August 13, 2020

Computer towers collected and stacked for recycling.

Under Connecticut’s extended producer responsibility program, municipalities perform the bulk of e-scrap collections. | Suzanne-B/Shutterstock

Processing companies said multiple factors led them to raise recycling prices in Connecticut this year. Some cost pressures are unique to the state but others are being felt industry wide.

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Morgan Stanley faces lawsuits from ITAD data mishap

Published: August 6, 2020

Open lock against a green binary code screen.

Morgan Stanley says it has not detected unauthorized use of personal information related to the recent data security incidents. | Chim/Shutterstock

Financial institution Morgan Stanley recently told customers an ITAD vendor’s mistakes may have left personal information susceptible to misuse. Multiple clients have filed suit against the investment firm.

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Our top stories from July 2020

Published: August 6, 2020

Taping a box for shipping.

An article about the growth of mail-in e-scrap collection during the pandemic was highly read in July. | mdbildes/Shutterstock

A perspective piece on rare earth recycling, the fallout from two failed CRT firms, a processor’s growth and mail-in collections drew readers’ attention last month.

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Feds confirm they will stop buying used computers

Published: August 6, 2020

Exterior of the U.S. General Services Administration building in Washington, D.C.

The U.S. GSA said canceling used or refurbished computer purchases supports the ongoing federal IT modernization initiative. | MarkGomez/Shutterstock

Despite hearing objections from refurbished equipment dealers, the U.S. General Services Administration will finalize its decision to halt government purchases of used and refurbished computers.

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Abandoned Closed Loop material seems destined for disposal

Published: July 2, 2020

Abandoned CRT material inside the former Closed Loop site.

An overview of the abandoned material at the former Closed Loop facility on Fairwood Avenue in Columbus, Ohio. | Courtesy of DEC Enviro

Consultants estimate that recycling 30 million pounds of CRT glass at an Ohio warehouse would add $1.7 million to a $5 million cleanup bill, so they’re proposing to landfill the glass instead.

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