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Robotics firm claims greater efficiency in a smaller package

Published: August 17, 2021

EverestLabs robotic cell.

EverestLabs High Recovery Robot Cells performed 104 picks per minute compared to 70 on the company’s Delta system. | Courtesy of EverestLabs

EverestLabs released a new robotic sorting system that the company says can perform more picks and fit in a wider range of MRF settings compared with previous robotic equipment.

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How the use of robotics is evolving at MRFs

Published: January 12, 2021

AMP Robotics tandem gripper.

A leader with AMP Robotics says artificial intelligence has changed how robotics can be incorporated into MRFs. | Courtesy of AMP Robotics.

A recycling facility operator and a robotics company say artificial intelligence is providing materials recovery firms with much-needed data to analyze changes in the recycling stream. That’s in addition to sortation improvements.

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The details on a $1.8M MRF upgrade in Midwest

Published: September 4, 2019


Residents of Petoskey, Mich. in Emmet County will benefit from a $1.8 million MRF upgrade. | Kenneth Sponsler/Shutterstock

A tight labor market, aging equipment, an evolving ton and difficult recyclables markets have spurred a Michigan county to upgrade its MRF. Robots are among the technologies to be installed.

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How robots are cleaning up a MRF’s paper bales

Published: October 22, 2019


With 14 robots connected to 10 vision systems, Single Stream Recyclers (SSR) in Sarasota, Fla. has more robots under one roof than any other MRF.

A Florida company leveraging 14 robotic sorters is among the first recycling facilities to use the technology on fiber lines, boosting the value of paper bales.

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Recology adds robotics to produce cleaner plastics

Published: November 20, 2019

Robot sorting plastic at Recology facility.

Plastic-sorting robots are just the latest upgrade for Recology’s San Francisco MRF. | Courtesy of Recology.

A West Coast operator installed four artificial intelligence units at its high-tech San Francisco MRF. A company manager explained how the machinery is working in conjunction with optical sorters to boost recovery and reduce contamination.

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New possible role for MRF robots: hazard detection

Published: February 8, 2022

AMP Robotics AI view of materials on a sorting facility conveyor belt.

AMP Robotics is training its AI-powered visioning system to identify hazards such as fuel tanks and batteries so MRFs can safely remove them. | Courtesy of AMP Robotics

AMP Robotics is training its AI-powered camera system to identify fuel tanks and batteries on conveyor belts, so the system can alert MRF staff to the hazards.

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