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Tag Archives: regulation/oversight

Strategic Materials agrees to pay battery disposal fine

Published: August 6, 2019

Batteries of various sizes.

Batteries made their way to Strategic Materials’ facility as contamination in the curbside recycling stream. | ANGHI/Shutterstock

A glass recycling facility will pay $1.2 million to settle allegations of improper disposal of batteries, which shouldn’t have arrived at its facility in the first place.

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ISRI wins injunction against California reporting regulations

Published: July 16, 2019

Statue of Justice with scales.

A legal dispute in California centers on the state’s change in how it collects disposal and diversion rate data. | Esin Deniz/Shutterstock

The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries has won a court order temporarily shielding its scrap metal recycling members from having to relay their tonnage data to California regulators.

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US asks developed nations to omit Basel plastic rules

Published: July 16, 2019

Stacked containers at a shipping port.

Regulatory changes could prevent the U.S. from exporting mixed plastics to a number of countries. | rawf8/Shutterstock

Federal regulators are asking countries that are major buyers of U.S. recyclables to refrain from implementing new trade restrictions laid out in the Basel Convention, a treaty covering global scrap material shipments.

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