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Tag Archives: regulation/oversight

Cities and groups chime in on feds’ procurement planning

Published: July 21, 2020


Paper is one of eight categories within the U.S. EPA’s federal procurement guidelines | Aleksei Lazukov/Shutterstock

The U.S. EPA asked for public feedback on a list of recycled-content products purchased by federal agencies. The request drew 114 responses from a range of recycling stakeholders.  Continue Reading

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GFL to buy assets from WM and Advanced Disposal

Published: June 30, 2020

GFL waste hauling truck.

In a recently announced deal GFL agreed to pay $835 million for operations now owned by WM and Advanced. | Philip Lange/Shutterstock

Waste Management will acquire Advanced Disposal Services for about $300 million less than originally anticipated. Meanwhile, GFL Environmental agreed to buy a number of U.S. solid waste operations as part of the acquisition deal.

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Recycling largely steers clear of mandates shuttering businesses

Published: March 24, 2020


The federal government and states that have issued “stay-at-home” orders have decided recycling businesses are “essential.”  | youkatan/Shutterstock

Recycling collection and processing has been deemed essential by states that have issued stay-at-home orders, meaning industry entities are not subject to forced shutdowns.

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How California is bringing on universal organics collection

Published: January 28, 2020


In its regulations, CalRecycle put the regulatory burden on local officials, who must ensure homes and businesses are provided with – and actively use – food scraps and yard debris collection services. | SaskiaAcht/Shutterstock

Local governments in California must ensure residents and businesses have organics collection service, under rules finalized by state regulators recently.

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Northeast state takes next step toward EPR for packaging

Published: January 21, 2020

The Maine capitol building in Augusta.

No U.S. state currently has an EPR law in place for packaging. | Yurii Prohonnyi/Shutterstock

Maine legislators are gearing up to introduce a bill that would mandate producers to fund the recycling of packaging they put on the market. The plan calls for different requirements based on whether a packaging type is “readily recyclable.”

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State slaps aluminum recycling company with fine

Published: January 14, 2020


The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality on Jan. 8 issued the penalty against Hydro Extrusion USA. | naughtynut/Shutterstock

Oregon regulators issued a $1.3 million penalty against an aluminum recycling firm, accusing the processor of violating its air quality permit by melting dirty feedstock.

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California accuses CVS of breaking bottle deposit rules

Published: December 10, 2019


CalRecycle alleges 81 out of CVS Pharmacy’s 848 California stores have not complied with state law. | Simone Hogan/Shutterstock

California regulators say retailer CVS hasn’t complied with bottle and can redemption requirements, and they’re seeking to force the company to fork over nearly $3.7 million.

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Regulators consider mandatory labeling for MRF hazard

Published: November 20, 2019


CalRecycle, headquartered in the green-topped building, gets its authority to regulate battery labels from California’s Dry Cell Battery Management Act of 1993. | Courtesy of CalRecycle.

California officials are considering new labeling requirements concerning lithium-ion battery recycling, as the batteries continue to cause fires at MRFs around the country.

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