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Tag Archives: plastics

Report: Improve recycling as a whole by tackling plastic

Published: October 29, 2019

Materials on a conveyor belt at a MRF.

PET collection is lagging behind recycled resin demand by more than 1 billion pounds per year, according to a new study. | Resource Recycling file photo.

The current recycling system is insufficient, according to a report from The Recycling Partnership. But several key initiatives – and $500 million – can move the industry forward.

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California lawmakers advance pair of plastics-recycling bills

Published: September 13, 2016


The CalifoPlastic Bottles / Genebacom, Shutterstockrnia legislature passed a bill requiring beverage companies to publicly report the amount of post-consumer PET they use. And a separate piece of legislation sent to the governor extends a plastics-recycling subsidy programs for one year.

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