Casella Waste Systems ended a good year on a bad note. China’s import restrictions dented recycling revenues for the Northeast company last fall.
Casella Waste Systems ended a good year on a bad note. China’s import restrictions dented recycling revenues for the Northeast company last fall.
Credit: 1933bkk/Shutterstock
About 85 percent of mixed paper and OCC exported out of California has been bound for China in recent years, and as the Asian behemoth closes its doors to some of those imports, the state’s recycling industry is feeling the hit.
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For North America’s largest garbage and recycling companies, 2017 overall was a good year in recycling. That being said, the fourth quarter was a bad one for the industry.
Our monthly markets update shows OCC is still selling at record levels, and other fiber grades have seen notable upticks. Plastics is more of a mixed big, however.