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Tag Archives: markets

Trucking market heads in reverse

Published: August 13, 2019

Freight trucks parked in a row.

Ongoing economic uncertainty has contributed to the freight market shift. | Vitpho/Shutterstock

Multiple factors have led to lower demand for trucking, bringing shipping cost relief to many in the recycling industry.

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Scrap plastic exports plummet 43% this year, paper stable

Published: August 6, 2019

Cargo ship docked at logistics hub.

U.S. exporters shipped out 773 million pounds of scrap plastic in the first half of 2019. | aapsky/Shutterstock

Federal trade statistics released last week show U.S. export volumes for the first six months of 2019. Recycled plastics have seen a major drop when compared with figures from a year ago.

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Low commodity prices hammer hauler revenues

Published: August 6, 2019

Waste Connections company truck on an urban street.

For the first half of the year, Waste Connections’ recycling business generated $36.5 million in revenue. | Jordi Cor/Shutterstock

Waste Connections and Advanced Disposal Services have continued to suffer from lower commodity prices. Casella Waste Systems, however, charged enough in fees to overcome the market pain.

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How a startup is recovering multi-layer flexible packaging

Published: August 6, 2019


Argentina-based Arqlite’s first gravel products were sold to customers earlier this year. | Courtesy of Arqlite.

Consulting firm B-Green was helping consumer brand owners reduce waste to landfill, but the companies’ packaging lacked a diversion solution. So B-Green went to work developing a recycling technology and end product.

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Fees help WM and Republic overcome commodity pains

Published: July 30, 2019

Republic Services hauling truck.

Republic Services’ recycling business brought in $72 million in revenue during the second quarter. | Supannee Hickman/Shutterstock

The two largest garbage and recycling companies in North America have enjoyed more profitable recycling businesses, even as commodity prices remain at rock bottom.

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Oregon mill may look to source recycled fiber

Published: July 9, 2019

Paper manufacturing at a mill.

A newly formed business called Willamette Falls Paper Company will reopen the former West Linn Paper Company mill. | hxdyl/Shutterstock

A shuttered paper mill near Portland, Ore. will reopen this year, and the new operator has hinted the site will incorporate recovered paper feedstock as it scales up in the future.

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Experts express optimism for paper and plastic markets

Published: July 9, 2019

Stacked bales of mixed plastics.

The average blended value for recyclables at U.S. MRFs was recently calculated at around $35 per ton.  | hiv360/Shutterstock

Between overseas import restrictions, tariff impacts and domestic market volatility, an erratic environment has become the norm for recycling operators around North America.

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