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Tag Archives: local programs

Q&A: How ideologies color our recycling conversations

Published: September 6, 2017


Jeff Eager

Recycling decisions tend to be made on the local level by nonpartisan leaders, but national politics – and fundamental ideological differences – still shape the dialogue. A recent study of local government agendas showed stark differences between left-leaning and right-leaning communities when it comes to action around materials diversion.

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Houston mayor wooed by MRF plans and lower costs

Published: July 11, 2017


Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner (center) is joined by Inigo Sanz (right), CEO of FCC Environmental Services, and other city officials at a June 28 press conference.

FCC Environmental Services will build a $20 million materials recovery facility in Houston to sort curbside recyclables for at least the next 15 years, under a deal that still requires final approval.

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