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Tag Archives: local programs

State provides funding for 20 recycling projects

Published: May 12, 2020


Officials estimate that 20 projects receiving grants will collectively divert nearly 44,000 tons of material from landfills each year. | ImagineStock/Shutterstock

North Carolina recently awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to help divert mixed recyclables, organics, paper, plastic and other materials from landfills.

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West Coast study: Recycling zeal doesn’t erase contamination

Published: May 5, 2020


California cities of 50,000 residents or more are seeing inbound contamination rates between 8% and 46%, with an average of 20%. | Oksana Shturo/Shutterstock

According to a study from The Recycling Partnership, large and mid-sized cities in California see an average contamination rate of around 20%, a finding that underscores the complications of aligning enthusiastic residents with local-program realities.

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Some cities restart recycling as cuts continue elsewhere

Published: April 28, 2020


Several weeks after suspending recycling programs, some city officials have reinstated service. | Sundry Photography/Shutterstock

A handful of municipalities have reinstated curbside recycling programs that were suspended due to the coronavirus. Still, dozens of others that curtailed service remain shut down.

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City data shows COVID-19 impacts on recycling tonnages

Published: April 28, 2020


Figures show New York City saw an uptick in collected residential material in March compared with a year earlier. | Felix Lipov/Shutterstock

Recycling programs are reporting greater residential recycling generation in March, concurrent with stay-at-home orders issued nationwide. Stakeholders involved with local programs are also noting the shift away from commercial generation may carry major financial implications. Continue Reading

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Pandemic alters – and threatens – supply chain for end users

Published: April 21, 2020


Residential recyclable materials have become an increasingly important feedstock for manufacturers since the coronavirus outbreak. |

As the coronavirus impacts continue throughout the U.S., manufacturers are highlighting the importance of curbside recycling as a feedstock supply channel. Meanwhile, processors are seeing changes in demand for their material as consumer spending shifts.

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Guide helps programs prepare for the unknown

Published: April 21, 2020


The Continuous Improvement Fund recently released a guide to help recycling managers create contingency plans. | smolaw/Shutterstock

The coronavirus pandemic has made clear the importance of having a contingency plan when the unexpected strikes recycling programs. A new tool helps municipalities develop such guidance.

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