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Tag Archives: industry groups

Oregon MRF becomes first to achieve RIOS certification

Published: November 14, 2022

recycling industry

The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) created the Recycling Industry Operating Standard (RIOS) to promote environmental consciousness and ensure MRF workers’ health and safety. | MichaelFelixPhotography/Shutterstock

Looking to support employees and set a higher bar for quality, Oregon-based Far West Recycling certified its northeast Portland facility to the Recycling Industry Operating Standard. It is the first MRF to do so. 

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NRC panelists: Strong EPR requires reduction, transparency

Published: November 14, 2022


Hosted by the Northeast Recycling Council, the 2022 National Recycling Congress was held virtually on Nov. 9 and Nov. 10. | Orhan Cam/Shutterstock

Model extended producer responsibility bills and federal funding were two hot topics at the 2022 National Recycling Congress, with panelists calling for packaging reduction and a broad overhaul of the recycling system.  Continue Reading

Industry illness and injury rates hit record low in 2021

Published: November 14, 2022

data analysis

The second year in which COVID-19 cases in the workplace were reported, 2021 saw a steep decline in the illness rate for solid waste collection workers. | Joyseulay/Shutterstock

According to federal data, the waste and recycling industry injury rate fell in 2021, bringing it to the lowest point since 2006.  Continue Reading

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EPA grants just under $1.2M to small recycling companies

Published: November 7, 2022

US EPA website on mobile device.

A total of $1.17 million for recycling companies came as part of a larger $3.2 million round of funding in the latest installment of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants. | Tada Images/Shutterstock

An AI-powered robotic sortation system, a glass-to-cement company and a zero waste software maker all received small business grants from the U.S. EPA. 

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What MRFs can expect from California’s new CRV laws

Published: October 17, 2022

People placing bottles into a bag for recycling.

Recovery facilities in California face a number of changes in the wake of legislative updates. | gavrilhurgoi/Shutterstock

Amid a flurry of bills at the end of California’s legislative session, lawmakers passed $1.3 billion in recycling spending and made a number of key policy changes. A recent webinar hinted at what the changes may mean for MRFs.

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Thermoform-to-thermoform bill draws mixed reactions

Published: September 13, 2022

Thermoform containers holding eggs.

Thermoforms such as those shown here often contain post-consumer material from bottles, but a California bill would require post-consumer thermoforms to be used in production of new thermoforms. | Anakumka/Shutterstock

Current debate over a California bill requiring PET thermoforms to contain recycled PET derived from thermoforms boils down to one question: What will MRFs do? 

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Analysts: US OCC recycling rate may be below 70%

Published: August 29, 2022

Ryan Fox and Myles Cohen on stage at the 2022 Resource Recycling Conference.

Fiber insiders Ryan Fox (left) and Myles Cohen on stage at the 2022 Resource Recycling Conference. | Big Wave Productions/Resource Recycling, Inc.

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Two corrugated industry experts have crunched the numbers and concluded that the OCC recycling rate is likely much lower than estimates published by the paper manufacturing sector.

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