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Tag Archives: fiber

China trade deal retains existing tariffs

Published: January 21, 2020

U.S. and Chinese flags.

OCC and other recovered fiber shipments to China will continue to face a 25% duty. | cybrain/Shutterstock

The U.S. and China signed a deal last week seemingly calming their trade war. But Chinese tariffs on OCC, recycled pulp and other materials will remain for the time being.

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Verso mill deepens move into recycled packaging business

Published: January 14, 2020


Verso announced its Duluth, Minn. mill will be producing 90,000 tons of recycled products per year. | DenisNata/Shutterstock

A Minnesota recycled paper mill conversion project has expanded beyond its original planned capacity and may grow further, company officials recently announced. Production is slated to begin this month.

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Pratt to build more US recycled fiber mills

Published: January 14, 2020


The upcoming Pratt projects will join more than a dozen U.S. mills that have added or will be adding recycled paper capacity since 2017. | noomcpk/Shutterstock

A major end user of mixed paper and OCC will construct two additional North American recycled containerboard mills in the next six years, the company’s owner said in a recent media interview.

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China continues to decrease permits for imported paper

Published: January 7, 2020

Shipping containers at port in Hong Kong.

China published a permit list approving imports of 2.8 million metric tons of recovered fiber, its first permit list for 2020. That’s down from 5 million metric tons during the first permit round a year earlier. | hanohiki/Shutterstock

The latest permit figures from the Chinese government illustrate the country’s goals to continue reducing its recycled fiber intake.

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Signals point to all-out recycled fiber ban in China

Published: December 3, 2019


This year, through October, just 9.8 million short tons of recovered fiber have been imported into China. | richard pross/Shutterstock

Recent actions by the Chinese government indicate the country will likely ban imports of OCC and almost all other fiber grades in 2021. Such a move would come in the wake of industry-shaking mixed paper and plastic prohibitions already in place.

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China halts tariff increase on US recyclables

Published: December 17, 2019


U.S. recovered fiber exports to China will continue to face a 25% tariff, as they have since September 2018. | Surapol Usanakul/Shutterstock

The Chinese government will not implement a planned tariff increase on OCC and other recovered fiber imported from the U.S., nor scrap aluminum, after the two countries came to an agreement in recent trade talks. But existing tariffs will remain.

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