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Tag Archives: EPR/Stewardship

Maine lawmakers give thumbs up to packaging EPR bill

Published: June 2, 2021


A Maine committee vote of “ought to pass” for LD 1541 sets it up for possible votes by the full House and Senate chambers. | / Shutterstock

A committee in Maine’s legislature advanced a bill that gives government officials direct control over how much money producers would be forced to pay to support the recycling of their packaging.
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Notes From the Field: Global lessons on EPR

Published: May 18, 2021

Close up of a meeting with microphone and papers on the desk.

The challenges of implementing extended producer responsibility programs were recently detailed by an international panel. | ESB Professional / Shutterstock

During one of the first sessions of SPC Impact 2021, held in April, an international panel sat down to discuss the challenges of implementing extended producer responsibility (EPR).

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Maine EPR bills differ on producer control

Published: May 11, 2021

The Maine state capitol building.

Lawmakers in Maine are considering two bills that each establish extended producer responsibility programs covering packaging of all material types, but with key differences in program management. | Wangkun Jia / Shutterstock

Two state proposals under consideration in the Northeast get at a central question of extended producer responsibility programs for packaging: Should the government or private industry have more control?

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Federal plastics proposal returns this week

Published: March 23, 2021

U.S. Capitol with reflecting pond in foreground.

Legislation to be reintroduced will include provisions for a national bottle bill and a ban on certain single-use plastic items. | S-F/Shutterstock

Two members of Congress will revive the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act, which includes a national container deposit system and other sweeping changes. Representatives from the plastics industry have countered the push.

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Lawmakers revive expansive California EPR proposal

Published: March 16, 2021

Pile of mixed single use plastics.

California Assembly Bill 842 requires that by 2035, all single-use plastic packaging and products distributed in California include 75% post-consumer recycled content. | Kanittha Boon/Shutterstock

California legislators introduced a bill that creates a packaging stewardship organization and adds packaging fees paid by producers. The bill is the latest in a flurry of plastics-related legislative activity in the state.

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Recycling policy continues to churn in statehouses

Published: February 16, 2021

curbside carts

Massachusetts is the latest state to propose extended producer responsibility for packaging, the largest component of the residential recycling stream. | Thanatos Media/Shutterstock

An expansive packaging stewardship proposal was recently introduced in Massachusetts. Meanwhile, a bill providing state assistance to bolster recycling markets has cleared both legislative chambers in Maryland.

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Policy draws focus at the state and national levels

Published: February 9, 2021

Aerial view of the Maryland state capitol building.

Legislators in nine states, including Maryland, say they will collaborate to push extended producer responsibility policies for plastic packaging. | tokar/Shutterstock

The industry-led Recycling Leadership Council published a set of policy recommendations for national lawmakers. Meanwhile, state legislators are collaborating to push for extended producer responsibility in nine states.

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