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Tag Archives: brand owners

TerraCycle US reports increase recycled material sales

Published: May 8, 2023


The multifaceted recycling company posted an increase in sales but a decrease in income, due to an increased cost of sales and higher operating expenses. | Gonzo/Shutterstock

TerraCycle US’s total sales surged last year, with a particular improvement in the sales of recycled plastics and other materials. Continue Reading

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Colorado picks brand-backed group to helm EPR

Published: May 1, 2023


The Circular Action Alliance will coordinate producer responsibility efforts around the recovery of paper and plastic packaging in Colorado. | Konektus Photo/Shutterstock

In a big step toward implementing one of the nation’s first extended producer responsibility programs for packaging, Colorado selected Circular Action Alliance as its producer responsibility organization. Continue Reading

CalRecycle releases recycled-content reports

Published: April 24, 2023


Most beverage brands failed to meet CalRecycle’s requirements for post-consumer resin use or didn’t report to the regulator at all. | Noom CPK/Shutterstock

Coca-Cola Co., PepsiCo and other big beverage brands achieved California’s mandate to use 15% post-consumer resin in their bottles last year, but the list of smaller brands that failed to hit the target – or even report data to the state – stretches over 500 companies long. Continue Reading

US Plastics Pact estimates 13.3% packaging recycling rate

Published: February 27, 2023

Plastic packaging

The estimate was derived using data from the U.S. EPA and industry associations APR and NAPCOR. | Photka/Shutterstock

A report from the U.S. Plastics Pact found a national recycling rate of 13.3% for plastic packaging and an overall potentially recyclable, reusable or compostable rate of 36% for Pact members.

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Narrower recyclability lawsuit brought against 7-Eleven

Published: January 17, 2023

Court gavel resting on a book on a desk.

The revised lawsuit comes after an Illinois judge in September 2022 threw out many of plaintiff Devon Curtis’ claims. | Tiko Aramyan/Shutterstock

A Chicago resident has filed an amended lawsuit against 7-Eleven, arguing that some of the company’s “recyclable” labeling is deceptive because the products lack resin identification codes. Continue Reading

Global company looks to recycling in ESG push

Published: October 3, 2022

ESG letters and symbols on wooden blocks.

Leaders with Hillenbrand discussed the company’s ESG efforts, including a recycling equipment manufacturer acquisition. | d.ee_angelo/Shutterstock

Sustainability and environmental, social and governance plans are typically multifaceted, but a recent acquisition by Hillenbrand brought recycling to the forefront for the manufacturing conglomerate.

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Judge dismisses claims against 7-Eleven’s recyclable labels

Published: October 3, 2022

7-Eleven store exterior with pedestrians.

7-Eleven faces a lawsuit challenging recyclability claims on the company’s “24/7” brand foam plates, cups and freezer bags. | Sorbis/Shuttertstock

Brand owners can label products as recyclable even if local residential recycling programs don’t want them, because reasonable consumers wouldn’t assume the word “recyclable” means there are local facilities that accept the material, a federal judge decided.

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Thermoform-to-thermoform bill draws mixed reactions

Published: September 13, 2022

Thermoform containers holding eggs.

Thermoforms such as those shown here often contain post-consumer material from bottles, but a California bill would require post-consumer thermoforms to be used in production of new thermoforms. | Anakumka/Shutterstock

Current debate over a California bill requiring PET thermoforms to contain recycled PET derived from thermoforms boils down to one question: What will MRFs do? 

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Plaintiff drops case over Hefty Recycling bag marketing

Published: September 7, 2022

Front of Hefty Recycling Bag box in question in court.

An Oakland, Calif. resident dropped her lawsuit against Reynolds Consumer Product regarding the company’s recycling bags, but in Connecticut a similar case continues.

Reynolds Consumer Products has staved off one of the recent legal challenges to its Hefty Recycling bag marketing claims. 

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