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New research focuses on global metals recycling

Published: June 7, 2022

Glencore's Mount Isa Mine seen from above.

A report said the world’s stock of raw elements is at risk of running out and called for industries to shift away from mining the Earth to mining old devices for needed material. | Cam Laird/Shutterstock

A study on global metals recycling identified feedstock reliability, technology limitations and product design choices as barriers to increasing recycled metal usage.

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Bottle bill reform heads to Iowa governor

Published: June 1, 2022

Iowa capitol building in Des Moines seen from above.

Changes to Iowa’s bottle redemption program are awaiting the Governor’s signature. | Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

Iowa lawmakers have approved container deposit legislation that triples the bottle handling fee but allows grocery stores and other retail entities to opt out of the collection system, a fact that could significantly reduce redemption access.

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California program expansion bill clears Senate

Published: June 1, 2022

Glass containers gathered for recycling.

A bill in California’s legislature adds wine and liquor bottles to the state container redemption program. | Josep Curto/Shutterstock

The California Senate passed a bill that would divert large amounts of glass from the curbside stream into the deposit system by applying a California Redemption Value to wine and liquor bottles.

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Recycled aluminum demand spawns Southwest facility

Published: June 1, 2022

Aluminum sheet at the production facility.

Ball Corporation will purchase an ownership stake in the aluminum can sheet rolling mill and recycling center planned by Manna Capital Partners. | Fotosr52/Shutterstock

Private investment firm Manna Capital Partners announced its plans to build and run an aluminum can sheet rolling mill and recycling center in Los Lunas, N.M.

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US tallies higher paper recycling rate in 2021

Published: May 24, 2022

Paper bales for recycling.

AF&PA data notes that in 2021 about 80% of U.S. paper mills used some recycled paper and about one-third used only recycled paper. | noomcpk/Shutterstock

The U.S. paper and OCC recycling rates for 2021 were 68.0% and 91.4%, higher than the previous year, the American Forest & Paper Association announced in a press conference May 24.

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Local programs share tips for cost-effective recycling outreach

Published: May 24, 2022

CRA webinar screenshot

Shelby Lewis and Edgar Castro Tello, both of the city of Tampa, Fla., presented during a Carolina Recycling Association webinar about their use of advertising on streaming media to provide recycling information to residents. | Webinar screenshot

Streaming media and text messages may be lucrative advertising platforms for companies selling products, but they’re also cost-effective channels for disseminating local recycling program information to targeted audiences.

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