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Study: EPR programs do strengthen recycling

Published: December 1, 2023

Yellow recycle container with chasing arrows symbol.

Researchers at the Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences found that recycling rates were higher in countries with EPR systems in place. | Roman-Zaiets/Shutterstock

A team of researchers at Iowa State University reviewed extended producer responsibility laws in several countries and concluded that the programs overall strengthened recycling. 

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Oregon approves first set of EPR rules

Published: December 1, 2023

Oregon state capitol building with state flag and blue sky.

The newly instated rules cover end markets, performance standards and several other key issues. | Grindstone-Media-Group/Shutterstock

Of the states that have passed extended producer responsibility laws for packaging, Oregon just became the first to approve a round of administrative rulemaking. 

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EPR reporting deadlines are coming fast

Published: December 1, 2023


Experts in EPR compliance say the best time to prepare is right now, and there are resources that can help. | Konektus Photo/Shutterstock

The first packaging data reporting deadline for extended producer responsibility programs doesn’t come until 2025, which seems far in the future, but compliance experts are warning that companies should start the massive undertaking now. 

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Details on Maine EPR program start to emerge

Published: November 2, 2023

Maine state house in Augusta.

With the broad intent of its EPR program now settled, regulators and stakeholders in Maine are hashing out the details of reimbursements, covered material lists, and much more. | Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Maine is moving ahead with its packaging EPR rulemaking process, with a key December deadline for submission to the state’s Board of Environmental Protection approaching fast.  Continue Reading

Panelists: Careful use of PROs can ensure efficient collection

Published: October 4, 2023


Topics at a recent discussion of EPR programs included collection, efficiency and harmony across jurisdictions. | mi_viri/Shutterstock

Producer responsibility organizations can help drive efficiency and harmonization in extended producer responsibility programs, stakeholders suggested at a recent conference.  Continue Reading

California roundup: Breaking down 2023 legislation

Published: October 4, 2023

California's state capitol building seen with blue sky above.

As the California legislature passes a handful of bills covering a number of hot-button issues, stakeholders in the state are optimistic about the road to a circular economy. | Jonathan Lenz/Shutterstock

Another busy legislative season is winding down in California. Several recycling-related bills made it to the governor’s desk this year, dealing with the right to repair, extended producer responsibility and the state’s deposit return system. Others didn’t make it to the finish line.  Continue Reading

Valpak, RLG, Noventiz offer EPR compliance as Comply Loop

Published: September 1, 2023

Old cardboard containers (OCC) collected for recycling.

Comply Loop lets clients evaluate their adherence to EPR requirements in multiple countries. | Kenishirotie/Shutterstock

Three big names in data management and circular logistics have joined forces to create Comply Loop, a one-stop shop for extended producer responsibility compliance. 

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Talking out tensions between EPR and plastics

Published: August 31, 2023


Anja Brandon, associate director of U.S. plastics policy at the Ocean Conservancy, speaks during the “Plastic Tensions Within Extended Producer Responsibility” session at the 2023 Resource Recycling Conference in Orlando, Fla. | Big Wave Productions/Resource Recycling

Resource Recycling Conference attendees may have been expecting a boxing ring when stakeholders got on stage to talk about plastic and extended producer responsibility, but instead they got a message of hope, progress and civil disagreement on film, chemical recycling and labeling. Continue Reading

The evolution of eco-modulation to drive eco-design

Published: August 2, 2023


Researcher Reid Lifset sees a lack of good data as a major barrier to eco-modulation achieving its full potential. | Marko Rupena/Shutterstock

Reid Lifset, a longtime member of the faculty at the Yale School of the Environment, wrote the first peer-reviewed academic article on extended producer responsibility in 1993. He’s “been intrigued by it and studying it ever since.” In an interview with Resource Recycling, he talked about his latest research article on eco-modulation and his thoughts on best practices for using eco-modulation to drive eco-design in packaging. 

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