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Stakeholders gear up for America Recycles Day

Published: November 12, 2019


In Washington, D.C., the U.S. EPA will host an America Recycles Innovation Fair on Nov. 14. | Rob Crandall / Shutterstock

Companies, industry groups and government agencies are celebrating America Recycles Day on Nov. 15. The following are some of the events and announcements in the lead-up to the annual celebration. Continue Reading

Exports decline, but domestic markets see stability

Published: November 12, 2019


U.S. exporters shipped 4.5 million short tons of recovered fiber from July through September. That’s the lowest third-quarter volume since 2006. | MAGNIFIER / Shutterstock

Overseas appetite for scrap plastic dwindled in the third quarter. On the domestic side, operators report stable movement for common curbside materials, although fiber pricing remains a challenge.

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China adds inspection option for US fiber exporters

Published: October 28, 2019

shipping containers

Denmark-headquartered Baltic Control was approved as an inspector of U.S. exports to China earlier this year | Bullstar/Shutterstock

China has approved the first non-Chinese-government-affiliated entity to inspect U.S. recovered fiber shipments to the Asia country. The move raises questions about the country’s long-term plans for recovered fiber imports.

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Groups say rejected shipments moved to other countries

Published: October 28, 2019

Indonesia in focus on a globe.

Waste watchdog Basel Action Network tracked containers of mixed paper that were shipped from the U.S. to Indonesia and were rejected. | Naruedom Yaempongsa/Shutterstock

Contaminated bales of recycled paper stonewalled at Indonesian ports were not returned to the U.S. as promised, according to environmental organizations.

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Beverage giants pledge $100M to support bottle recycling

Published: October 29, 2019


ABA President and CEO Katherine Lugar presented a major recycling funding initiative alongside leaders from beverage companies. | Photo credit: YouTube

Coca-Cola, Keurig Dr Pepper and PepsiCo today pledged to put their money behind boosting processing technology and increasing curbside collection access. They’ll also introduce a uniform recycling message on their bottles next year.

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How much recycled plastic are big brands using? Report sheds light

Published: November 5, 2019

PET bottle laying across PET flakes.

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation released an update on organizations’ progress toward their global plastic packaging commitments. | Aykut Erdogdu/Shutterstock

Coca-Cola Co. uses considerably more recycled resin than many of its global packaging peers. But, like others, it still has a long way to go to hit its ambitious goals. Continue Reading

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Aluminum recycling giant to spend $36M on upgrade

Published: November 5, 2019


The Novelis project will add aluminum recycling equipment, incorporate a new baghouse for controlling dust, and increase safety. | Image from Novelis video

Novelis, the world’s largest recycler of aluminum, will invest tens of millions of dollars expanding its recycling capabilities and improving safety at its Georgia plant.

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Washington state mill to add OCC line next year

Published: November 5, 2019


Packaging Corporation of America will add 350,000 tons per year of OCC pulping capacity at its Wallula, Wash. mill. | Google Earth

Packaging Corporation of America will begin consuming OCC at a mill in the Pacific Northwest, citing customer demand, feedstock availability and cost savings.

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