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What to expect in domestic recycled paper markets

Published: August 4, 2020

Paper bales for recycling.

Numerous domestic recycled paper mill investments have been announced in the past two years, suggesting a much stronger domestic market for recycled paper in the years to come. | noomcpk/Shutterstock

Recycled paper mill leaders recently weighed in on the factors behind market shifts, how the coronavirus pandemic is impacting generation and demand, and where markets are headed in the future.

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Saica to use recycled paper at Ohio packaging operation

Published: August 4, 2020

Fiber for recycling.

A new 350,000-square-foot corrugated manufacturing facility in Ohio will consume recycled paper. | Huguette Roe/Shutterstock

A European corrugated packaging producer will build its first U.S. plant in Ohio, where the company plans to consume more than 66,000 short tons of recovered paper per year.

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Brightmark seeking 2.4 billion pounds of US mixed plastics

Published: August 4, 2020

Sorted plastics at a recycling facility.

Brightmark is seeking over 1,000,000 tons of difficult-to-recycle plastics for chemical recycling. | hiv360/Shutterstock

A chemical recycling firm is on the hunt for a massive quantity of plastics Nos. 1-7, material the company plans to process at plastics-to-fuel facilities across the country.

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How PPP loans helped MRFs across the country

Published: August 4, 2020

Person in a suit signing a check.

Small Business Administration data shows over 1,100 MRF companies received Paycheck Protection Program loans. | NIKCOA/Shutterstock

MRF operators received tens of millions of dollars in Paycheck Protection Program funds, recently released data suggests. A few explained just how important the money was to preventing layoffs.

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Our top stories from July 2020

Published: August 4, 2020

Waste Connections recycling collection truck unloads material at the Balcones MRF in Austin, Texas.

Insight from a leader at Waste Connections drew attention last month. | Resource Recycling file photo.

MRF, hauler, market, technology and exports articles all landed on our read-most list last month.

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Environmental group takes aim at chemical recycling of plastics

Published: July 28, 2020

Scrap plastics baled for recycling.

Chemical recycling uses different processes to break plastics down into other chemicals, which can be used to make fuels, new plastics or many other products. | Vershinin89/Shutterstock

This story has been updated.

A report from activist organization GAIA claims processing strategies that have been heavily promoted by the polymer industry amount to a “greenwashing tactic” undermining efforts to ban single-use plastics.

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A local program leader’s long history of crossing racial divides

Published: July 28, 2020

Harry Hayes

Harry Hayes has been director of Houston’s Solid Waste Management Department since 2007. | Photo courtesy of city of Houston 

Harry Hayes’ journey to the top of Houston’s solid waste department in many ways began over 40 years ago, when he confronted fears about being the only Black kid in French class.

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Largest shipping company won’t take recyclables to China

Published: July 27, 2020

Maersk shipping container on a ship at sea.

Shipping giant Maersk announced as of Sept. 1, 2020 it will no longer take scrap material shipments to China. | Mariusz Bugno/Shutterstock

Citing China’s upcoming legislation that will ban all “solid waste” imports, APM-Maersk this month announced it will stop shipping virtually all recovered materials to China and Hong Kong in the coming weeks.

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