Many municipalities struggle to find downstream uses for recovered glass, but one study offers a bit of hope for a modest new end market.
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Many municipalities struggle to find downstream uses for recovered glass, but one study offers a bit of hope for a modest new end market.
Laura Phillips, Walmart’s vice president of corporate affairs and sustainability, speaks at the company’s recent sustainability summit.
The world’s largest retailer has identified packaging recyclability as a key component of Project Gigaton, its recently announced effort to reduce greenhouse gases in its supply chain.
For North America’s largest haulers, recycling pleasure has given way to pain. After enjoying big returns from higher commodity prices in the first quarter, three recycling giants noted tumbling fiber prices in April.
A research firm is asking industry professionals to provide information for a broad analysis of the state of U.S. materials recovery.
Florida has enacted a law intended to clamp down on metal thieves and brokers who do business with them.
A top Walmart executive says the $100 million recycling fund spearheaded by the retail giant will provide significant financial backing to municipal initiatives, and he said communities have moved quickly to see if they can nab a piece of the pie.
In the not-too-distant future, artificial intelligence may see and control all that’s happening in a recycling facility. But first, it’s going to do some work on a quality control line.
Minnesota is on track to improve the accuracy of its annual recycling and waste management data reporting, so its recent annual report covers a “transition year” for information on waste management activities.
Forty-one states are awarded grants for recycling bins in public parks, and a Southwest state begins accepting applications for its $800,000 grant program.
An Ohio waste exchange program has been updated from a simple bulletin board system into an interactive marketplace model, which will calculate and report the environmental impact of each transaction.