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Author Archives: Jared Paben

About Jared Paben

Jared Paben Associate Editor Jared Paben has worked for Resource Recycling since December 2014. Most of his earlier career was spent as a reporter for the daily newspaper in Bellingham, Wash., but he also has experience working for the Oregon volunteerism commission and for Oregon nonprofits serving low-income populations. He can be contacted at [email protected].

APR starts sweating the small stuff

Published: October 18, 2016


small containers / Fotofermer, ShutterstockThe Association of Plastic Recyclers will research ways in which materials recovery facilities might be able to recover more smaller sized plastic containers, which are often lost during sortation. That was one of several actions the group announced at a recent meeting.

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Statehouses hit by bevy of bag bills

Published: February 14, 2017


plastic bag regulationsWhen it comes to plastic bag legislation, 2017 may be the storm after the storm. After the high-profile battle over California’s statewide plastic bag ban, legislators in at least 16 states have introduced bills related to bags this year.

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California lawmakers advance pair of plastics-recycling bills

Published: September 13, 2016


The CalifoPlastic Bottles / Genebacom, Shutterstockrnia legislature passed a bill requiring beverage companies to publicly report the amount of post-consumer PET they use. And a separate piece of legislation sent to the governor extends a plastics-recycling subsidy programs for one year.

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Q&A: Ups and downs collecting plastic bags curbside

Published: October 25, 2016


David W McCaryThe City of San Antonio began accepting plastic bags in curbside single-stream carts two years ago. In its first year, 550 tons were recovered through the program, but that number fell by more than two-thirds in the second year.

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