Multiple recovered fiber grades continued to decline in price over the past month. The same downward trend was seen for PET and HDPE.
Multiple recovered fiber grades continued to decline in price over the past month. The same downward trend was seen for PET and HDPE.
Post-consumer recycled cartons have several end markets throughout North America.
Lately, consumers have been exposed to new – and often confusing – information about recycling, encountering many headlines about the effects of China’s ban on waste imports from the U.S.
The U.S. paper recovery rate has been at or above 63% each year for the past decade.
Every year, the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) releases the U.S. paper recovery for recycling rate. The annual figure informs us how much recovered paper is being used to create new products in a given year and is also an important indicator of how much paper and paper-based packaging is kept out of landfills after use.
Oregon was the first state in the U.S. to implement a beverage container deposit/refund system, rolling out its program in 1972. Since then, the system has shown it can keep on a path of continuous improvement.
Lower prices have persisted for a number of key curbside recyclables, including fiber grades and aluminum cans.