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Author Archives: Colin Staub

About Colin Staub

Colin-StaubColin Staub is a reporter at Resource Recycling. He can be contacted at [email protected].

Vermont bottle bill update moves through legislature

Published: April 20, 2021

The State Capitol Building in Montpelier, Vt.

Vermont’s current deposit system may soon expand to cover almost all beverages. | Victoria Lipov/Shutterstock

This story has been corrected.

Legislation that expands a Northeast state’s container deposit law passed one chamber and has moved to the state Senate for consideration. The bill adds additional beverage types into the deposit program.

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Exports continue despite dramatic overseas changes

Published: April 20, 2021

Cargo ship at port.

The U.S. exported 1.32 million short tons of recovered fiber in February, with India as the top destination. | MAGNIFIER/Shutterstock

U.S. exports of recovered plastic and paper remained consistent in February, despite global trade policy changes for both materials that went into effect at the beginning of the year.

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Exporter: Malaysian case provides some Basel clarity

Published: April 13, 2021

Aerial view of cargo ship at terminal.

Malaysian authorities recently approved a container of clean PE scrap for import from U.S.-based Sigma Recycling. | UNIKYLUCKK/Shutterstock

A high-profile scrap plastic shipment from the U.S. to Malaysia was accepted after the importing country’s government said it contained clean, sorted material. The situation demonstrates the complexities in interpreting new plastic shipping regulations.

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How do outreach efforts impact different households?

Published: March 30, 2021

Recycling bin with some contamination from non-recyclable materials.

The report from SWANA delves into how poor recycling behaviors develop and why they persist. | Scott Beck / Resource Recycling Inc.

Education campaigns may improve curbside recycling practices for residents who produce average or low amounts of contamination, but they may not impact the worst offenders, according to new research.

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Federal plastics proposal returns this week

Published: March 23, 2021

U.S. Capitol with reflecting pond in foreground.

Legislation to be reintroduced will include provisions for a national bottle bill and a ban on certain single-use plastic items. | S-F/Shutterstock

Two members of Congress will revive the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act, which includes a national container deposit system and other sweeping changes. Representatives from the plastics industry have countered the push.

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Midwest mill operator starts up $500 million plant

Published: March 23, 2021

Aerial view of the Green Bay Packaging plant.

The mill’s completion is on schedule with the initial timeline, which forecast a spring 2021 start-up. | Courtesy of Green Bay Packaging.

Green Bay Packaging this month produced the first reel of paper at its newly completed Wisconsin recycled paper mill, which uses OCC and mixed paper feedstock.

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Lawmakers revive expansive California EPR proposal

Published: March 16, 2021

Pile of mixed single use plastics.

California Assembly Bill 842 requires that by 2035, all single-use plastic packaging and products distributed in California include 75% post-consumer recycled content. | Kanittha Boon/Shutterstock

California legislators introduced a bill that creates a packaging stewardship organization and adds packaging fees paid by producers. The bill is the latest in a flurry of plastics-related legislative activity in the state.

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Surprise rise: Paper and plastic exports up to start 2021

Published: March 9, 2021

Cargo loading at port in Singapore.

U.S. exports of recovered fiber were up slightly in January 2021 compared to the previous year. | anek.soowannaphoom/Shutterstock

Exports of U.S. scrap paper and plastic increased in January 2021 compared with 2020, despite China’s exit from the recovered paper market and new Basel Convention regulations on plastic shipments.

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