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Tag Archives: research

Study finds benefits to using recycled film in asphalt

Published: July 6, 2020

Asphalt paving scene.

Based on the lab-scale research, the Plastics Industry Association is now working with several companies to use a recycled-PE binder in asphalt on privately funded roadways and parking lots. | Marcel Derweduwen/Shutterstock

Research shows post-consumer PE film could improve the stiffness and resistance of polymer-modified asphalt at less cost than the co-polymers that are typically used.

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Study explores southeast state’s contamination rate

Published: July 1, 2020

Recycling bins on a Florida street.

Researchers in Florida have noticed a gradual increase in contamination rates in recent years. | Blueee77/Shutterstock

Materials recovery facilities in Florida have historically landfilled about one-quarter of the weight that comes in the door, according to a study commissioned by the Florida Recycling Partnership Foundation.

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Group blasts brand owners over plastic pollution

Published: June 17, 2020

Heinz ketchup and mustard packaging.

In terms of a variety of recycling-related metrics, As You Sow said Kraft Heinz was among the worst-ranked large-revenue companies. | Jonathan Weiss/Shutterstock

Environmental advocacy group As You Sow says the largest consumer-facing companies are falling short in the area of plastic pollution reduction. It calls for them to support recycling, among other steps.

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Study explores the use of PCR in packaging

Published: June 10, 2020

Plastic bottle manufacturing.

Cascadia Consulting Group, Full Circle Environmental and More Recycling conducted research on behalf of state officials in strategies to boost the use of post-consumer plastic in packaging. | MOLPIX/Shutterstock

A report for the state of Washington explores impediments to the use of post-consumer resin in packaging, and it identifies a number of potential solutions.

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Contamination in one region’s commercial stream is 14%

Published: June 3, 2020


Researchers collected and sorted through more than 38,000 pounds of mixed recyclables from 173 sample loads. | Rubens Alarcon/Shutterstock

Researchers have quantified contamination in the business recycling stream in the Portland, Ore. metropolitan area, providing data that can be used to make operational or outreach decisions.

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A look at recycling’s role in preventing ocean pollution

Published: May 28, 2020


Researchers identified recycling as a critical piece of the solution to reducing ocean pollutants.| BBbirdZ/Shutterstock

A policy paper from leading ocean plastic experts lays out a strategy for reducing plastic and other pollutants in the world’s waterways. Researcher Jenna Jambeck and others offered details on how materials recovery fits into the plan.

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Feds to fund scrap plastic liquefaction tech

Published: May 6, 2020


The government is looking to support liquefaction technologies to convert plastics Nos. 1-7 and other materials into high-energy-content liquid products. | Kedardome/Shutterstock

The U.S. government is looking to provide up to $4 million to advance development of technologies to convert recovered plastics into feedstock for fuels.

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Plastic bags continue to complicate curbside recycling

Published: May 6, 2020


California cities of 50,000 residents or more are seeing inbound contamination rates between 8% and 46%, with an average of 20%. | Oksana Shturo/Shutterstock

Plastic film has long been identified as a major contaminant in municipal materials recovery programs. Research from the West Coast shows just how challenging it has been to educate residents around proper bag behavior.

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University researches recycling realities for protective equipment

Published: April 15, 2020


Troy University researchers are investigating methods for recycling medical plastics into new products. | Rob Byron/Shutterstock

The coronavirus has put a focus on the plastics used in the manufacture of gloves, masks and other types of personal protective equipment. KW Plastics will assist Troy University scientists who are studying the recycling of that material.

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