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Tag Archives: markets

Here’s what’s driving markets for 3-7 plastics

Published: May 19, 2021


EFS-plastics described how virgin resin pricing and other factors are impacting the recycling sector. | Ann Moore / Shutterstock

The mixed-plastics processing sector is seeing supply challenges from product labeling changes and could be significantly disrupted by chemical recycling initiatives, according to one processor.

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Exports continue despite dramatic overseas changes

Published: April 21, 2021

Cargo ship at port.

The U.S. exported 102.3 million pounds of recovered plastic in February, with Malaysia as the top overseas destination. | MAGNIFIER/Shutterstock

U.S. exports of recovered plastic remained consistent in February, despite global trade policy changes that went into effect at the beginning of the year.

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Online event dives into markets, policy and more

Published: April 14, 2021

Screenshot from the 2021 Plastics Recycling Conference

Speakers in a session last week came from two often-opposing sides of the packaging and recycling debate: Craig Cookson of ACC and Kate Bailey from Eco-Cycle. | Screenshot from the 2021 Plastics Recycling Conference.

Last week’s Plastics Recycling Conference, held online, featured eight sessions over two days. Here are some of the talking points that caught our team’s attention.

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