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Tag Archives: markets

Lingering impacts of Hurricane Harvey on recycling industry

Published: October 3, 2017


When it made landfall on Aug. 25, Hurricane Harvey became the wettest tropical cyclone to ever hit the U.S., dumping more than five feet of water on Houston. The resulting floods have impacted the recycling industry in multiple ways, driving up prices for virgin plastics, hampering freight systems and halting curbside collections.

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Why industry can’t fulfill all the potential PCR demand

Published: September 27, 2017


Nina Bellucci Butler speaks at the Resource Recycling Conference.

U.S. and Canadian end users could consume more of the recovered plastics generated domestically if prices and specifications meet their needs. But a handful of converging market trends are standing in the way of significant growth.

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Would TPP trade deal boost plastics recycling?

Published: October 12, 2016


TPP / AlexLMX, ShutterstockIt’s election season, and one hot-button issue is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which aims to significantly boost trading relationships between the U.S. and other countries. In the plastics recycling industry, however, opinions vary on whether the treaty would be good for business.

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