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Low virgin plastics pricing pinches recycling market further

Published: May 6, 2020


An industry analyst recently noted that low virgin resin pricing means challenges for ensuring end users choose to use recycled plastic. | batuhan taskinkaya/Shutterstock

The coronavirus pandemic has piled on top of existing plastics recycling market strife to cause pricing fluctuations and create uncertainty about how end users will meet their sustainability commitments.

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Company launches platform to improve plastics markets

Published: April 29, 2020


The new Recycling Market Development Platform will highlight companies and connect people with tools and information related to recycling. | TippaPatt/Shutterstock

More Recycling and the American Chemistry Council (ACC) this month announced the Recycling Market Development Platform, a website offering information on recycling and material use to stakeholders throughout the recycling value chain.

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Expect more PET recycling investments from Indorama

Published: April 15, 2020


Indorama noted the company’s investments in recycling are influenced by the fact numerous brand owners are committing to incorporate more recycled plastic in their products. | barbacane/Shutterstock

Resin giant Indorama Ventures will more than triple its global RPET production capacity in the next few years, according to the company’s most recent annual report.

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Country lockdowns bring ‘unprecedented implications’

Published: April 1, 2020

Container ship unloading at port.

Regulatory changes, and an overall sense of uncertainty, are playing into difficulty moving scrap materials abroad. | 28 November Studio/Shutterstock

Overseas markets for recovered plastic, including Malaysia and India, are experiencing disruption as governments enact widespread restrictions and close ports in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Plastics collection cuts prompt supply concerns

Published: March 25, 2020


In communities around the country, recycling programs are limiting the materials they collect, altering service hours or shutting down altogether. | Oksana Shturo/Shutterstock

Recycling programs nationwide have curtailed service due to the coronavirus pandemic, potentially hampering the supply of scrap plastics moving to reclaimers in the weeks to come.

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The details on three disruptive developments in virgin market

Published: March 25, 2020

Exterior of the OPEC building in Austria.

An ongoing battle between OPEC and Russia is flooding the market with cheap barrels of oil, threatening downward pressure on virgin plastics prices. | Rebekah Zemansky/Shutterstock

Construction has been delayed on two large U.S. prime plastics plants – one because of high costs and the other due to coronavirus. At the same time, an oil price war put downward pressure on virgin plastic prices.

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