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Tag Archives: EPR/stewardship

UN plastics treaty vote sparks support

Published: March 7, 2022

United Nations flag flying against blue sky and clouds.

The United Nations Environment Assembly on March 2 voted to start a process that would create a global plastics pollution treaty, bringing a final treaty forward for a vote in 2024. | Doug McLean/Shutterstock

A recent U.N. agreement to create a treaty on plastic pollution has brought recycling, waste and producer responsibility issues into the mainstream discussion.

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National bottle bill likely to land in Congress soon

Published: February 9, 2022

Bottle return at a reverse vending machine.

In the draft bill, deposits are set at at least 10 cents for containers under 24 fluid ounces and 15 cents for containers larger than that. | Veja/Shutterstock

West Coast lawmakers plan to introduce a national container deposit bill that one advocate says has a better chance of passing than past proposals because of wide “industry engagement.”

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Report urges recycling mandates, incentives in Canada

Published: January 19, 2022

Mixed plastics for recycling.

Researchers estimate to divert 90% of Canada’s plastic from landfills by 2030 would cost between $3.7 billion and $6.6 billion USD. | Josep Curto/Shutterstock

Canada recycles just 9% of the plastic waste it generates annually, but a think tank’s recently released analysis puts forward a series of changes that could incentivize investment in the country’s recycling industry.

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In My Opinion: A simpler path to reducing plastic waste

Published: December 22, 2021

Appliances in a retail setting.

A home appliance industry leader explains why his group would like to see extended producer responsibility proposals fall by the wayside in favor of the approach in the upcoming California single-use plastics ballot measure. | Joni Hanebutt/Shutterstock

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APR: Industry input crucial to implementing state bills

Published: November 3, 2021

Aerial view of the California state capitol building in Sacramento.

An in-depth regulatory development process will be needed to implement a California bill regulating the use of the chasing arrows symbol on packaging. | Merge Digital Media/Shutterstock

Three West Coast states have signed sweeping recycling bills. Now the real work begins to hash out the details on how the policies will affect the plastics recycling industry.

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California’s carpet stewardship fees to consider recycled content

Published: November 3, 2021

Removed carpets for recycling.

One goal of the differential fee schedule, to be implemented next year, will be to provide a financial incentive to consumers to buy recycled-content carpet. | ND700/Shutterstock

If carpet has at least 10% recycled content, then California consumers will pay a lower recycling system fee at the cash register starting next April.

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Group reports 21% carpet recycling rate in California

Published: September 22, 2021

Old carpet pieces rolled up for recycling.

CARE’s annual report notes that a total of 52.6 million pounds of materials were recycled from post-consumer carpet in California in 2020, down 10% from the year before. | ND700/Shutterstock

A stewardship group fell short of California’s carpet recycling mandate last year, despite a notable year-over-year jump in the recycling rate.

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Oregon governor signs packaging EPR bill

Published: August 11, 2021

View of the Oregon captial building with greenspace in front.

Oregon will establish a producer responsibility program for packaging, printing and writing paper, and food serviceware. | Jacquie Klose / Shutterstock

Oregon will overhaul components of its recycling system and will make packaging producers partially responsible for funding recycling of their products. It’s the second U.S. state to approve such a law.

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