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Tag Archives: EPR/stewardship

Cooperation boosted recycling in British Columbia

Published: September 18, 2024

PET bottles for recycling.

The Stewardship Agencies of BC is a coalition of extended producer responsibility organizations, including Call2Recycle Canada, Return-It, the Electronic Products Recycling Association, Recycle BC and others. | Myibean/Shutterstock

The Stewardship Agencies of British Columbia worked together to divert a record 425 million kilograms of end-of-life products from landfills in 2023, and leaders pointed to factors including the efficiency and education that collaboration brings.  Continue Reading

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Michigan lawmakers introduce EPR for packaging

Published: August 28, 2024

Michigan's capitol building with trees and sky.

Michigan is eyeing EPR for packaging, with lawmakers recently introducing a bill that would set specific targets for recycling and reduction. | Henryk Sadura/Shutterstock

Michigan lawmakers have introduced an extended producer responsibility bill for packaging, following the successful passage of a packaging EPR bill in Minnesota.  Continue Reading

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Jeff Fielkow named as Circular Action Alliance CEO

Published: August 14, 2024


Circular Action Alliance hired Jeff Fielkow as CEO, putting him at the head of an organization with ambitious extended producer responsibility goals. | Monticello/Shutterstock

Circular Action Alliance picked Jeff Fielkow as CEO, putting the industry veteran at the head of several fast-paced plans to roll out extended producer responsibility laws for paper and packaging. 

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Oil brands form PRO to handle packaging

Published: July 31, 2024


Petroleum product brands have formed a producer responsibility organization in response to several extended producer responsibility laws. | Andrei Askirka/Shutterstock

Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, Valvoline and other petroleum brand owners have formed the Lubricant Packaging Management Association to fulfill their obligations under packaging and household hazardous waste extended producer responsibility laws. Continue Reading

Broad recycling legislation advances in Massachusetts

Published: June 26, 2024


S 2830 seeks to regulate many single-use plastic products, improve recycling access and commission studies on extended producer responsibility, organics and PS. | Natalia Bratslavsky/Shutterstock

A bill that combines a half-dozen environmental actions, touching on extended producer responsibility for several materials, plastic bans and access to both bulky plastic and organics recycling, has passed the Massachusetts Senate and gone onto the House for consideration. Continue Reading

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Activist report card: ‘A’ on EPR support, ‘F’ on goals

Published: June 20, 2024


Of 147 companies ranked with stated recyclability goals, only 22 are on track to meet them. | Valeriya Bogdanova/Shutterstock

Most companies are likely to miss their recyclability goals and are using more plastic than before despite reduction goals, but there has been a shift to supporting extended producer responsibility policies, according to a recently released report card from the environmental activist group As You Sow. Continue Reading

EPR of the past, present and future in British Columbia

Published: June 20, 2024


The June 14 webinar “EPR in British Columbia: A Timeline of Success and Challenge Past, Present, Future” brought together nine speakers with long experience in extended producer responsibility in the province. | Vipada Kanajod/Shutterstock

How did a law intended to stop can-tabs litter in British Columbia lead to today’s expansive extended producer responsibility laws? Those involved in its evolution traced the path in a webinar hosted by the Coast Waste Management Association.  Continue Reading

By and for Minnesotans: Getting packaging EPR passed

Published: June 5, 2024

Minnesota State Capitol

Minnesota became the fifth U.S. state to pass extended producer responsibility for packaging. | IMG_191/Shutterstock

After months of collaboration and negotiation, stakeholders in Minnesota walked away with an extended producer responsibility bill for packaging that had elements both familiar and unique, and an overarching question: Is this the first state in a new wave of EPR or a continuation of early adopters? 

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Packaging EPR success requires a diverse coalition

Published: June 5, 2024

Mixed plastics for sorting and recycling.

A May 28 webinar, “Coalition Building for Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging and Paper Products,” shared tips and tricks for passing EPR legislation with a strong group of supporters. | Marina-Onokhina/Shutterstock

Getting extended producer responsibility legislation passed takes a strong coalition, targeted education and a lot of meetings, those involved with the process in several states said during a recent webinar. 

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