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Tag Archives: EPR/stewardship

Future of recycling policy in California could be decided soon

Published: June 22, 2022

California flag and U.S. flag with blue sky background.

California legislators, environmentalists and industry groups are working on a plastics pollution and recycling bill that they hope will persuade ballot measure backers to withdraw their initiative before the deadline at the end of this month. | rarrarorro/Shutterstock

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APR meeting covers need for data, policy updates

Published: June 15, 2022

Screenshot of The Recycling Partnership's recycling database

At the recent Association of Plastic Recyclers member meeting, The Recycling Partnership presented on their packaging recyclability database. | Screenshot of video showing database in use.

At the June Association of Plastic Recyclers members meeting, speakers shared insights on policy, data collection and a shifting tone in how the sector portrays itself.

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EPR bill in Colorado signed while New York bills fail

Published: June 8, 2022

Colorado state capitol building at sunset.

With the governor’s signature last week, Colorado became the third U.S. state with an extended producer responsibility law for some printed paper and packaging. | Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock

Producer responsibility advocates celebrated the signing of Colorado’s extended producer responsibility bill into law, but were left wanting in New York as two bills failed this session.

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Industry reacts to passage of Colorado packaging EPR bill

Published: May 18, 2022

Various household packaging and recyclable materials.

Colorado is the third state in the U.S. to pass a packaging extended producer responsibility bill, and the first in the 2022 legislative session. | Arturs Budkevics/Shutterstock

While many industry leaders praised the recent passage of a Colorado bill establishing extended producer responsibility for printed paper and packaging, others are calling for Gov. Jared Polis to veto it.

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Startup creates circular economy for lab plastics

Published: May 18, 2022

Polycarbin's collection boxes for lab plastics to recycle.

Polycarbin partners with area recyclers to process collected lab plastics, then Polycarbin brings the recycled plastic to several different contract manufacturers that mold it into lab products. | Courtesy of Polycarbin

The co-founders of Polycarbin met in medical school, on track to become plastic surgeons. That’s a point of irony now, they said, as their lab plastics recycling business continues to grow.

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West and East Coast states make moves in carpet EPR

Published: May 11, 2022

Van filled with rolled carpeting for recycling or disposal.

A bill passed in New York establishes goals for carpet recycling and post-consumer content, requires the creation of a collection network and more. | Steven Belanger/Shutterstock

New York is close to becoming the second state to require producers to fund carpet collection and recycling. Meanwhile, California regulators approved carpet fees that vary based on recycled content.

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EPR and packaging-reduction bill introduced in New York

Published: May 11, 2022

NY state capitol building.

The introduction of the EPR bill came after lawmakers stripped a prior EPR program out of Gov. Kathy Hochul’s executive budget proposal. | Paul Brady Photography/Shutterstock

An extended producer responsibility bill that has the support of environmental activists was recently introduced in New York, while a Colorado EPR bill moved to the Senate floor.

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Q&A: Seizing the moment on recycling policy

Published: April 20, 2022


EPR bills, proposed in a number of states, aim to improve curbside collection and more. | Jared Paben

Last year, Maine and Oregon each passed major pieces of recycling legislation that incorporated elements of extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging, a strategy in which producers are mandated to fund packaging recovery in those states. Continue Reading