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Tag Archives: container deposits

Oregon redemption center brings AI counting to consumers

Published: December 6, 2022

Behind the scenes at BottleDrop's collection location.

The latest drop-off center from the Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative uses AI to rapidly count and identify bottles and other containers. | Marissa Heffernan/Resource Recycling, Inc.

The busiest container redemption center in Oregon recently got an upgrade, delivering the Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative’s neural network technology to a consumer-facing location for the first time. 

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Thermoform-to-thermoform bill draws mixed reactions

Published: September 8, 2022

Thermoform containers holding eggs.

Thermoforms like those shown here often contain post-consumer material from bottles, but a California bill would require post-consumer thermoforms to be used in production of new thermoforms. | Anakumka/Shutterstock

Current debate over a California bill requiring PET thermoforms to contain RPET derived from thermoforms boils down to one question: What will materials recovery facilities do? 

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Amendments to Calif. bottle expansion bill bring big changes

Published: August 31, 2022

Plastic bottles collected in a plastic bag for recycling.

Amended bill text would require beverage retailers to accept containers or join a dealer cooperative.  | Glenn Highcove/Shuttestock

Last-minute amendments to California bottle bill expansion legislation would remove the daily fee opt-out for retailers and instead require them to either accept containers or join a dealer cooperative to coordinate collection, along with several other changes.

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Bottle bill reform heads to Iowa governor

Published: June 2, 2022

Iowa capitol building in Des Moines seen from above.

Changes to Iowa’s bottle redemption program are awaiting the Governor’s signature. | Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

Iowa lawmakers have approved container deposit legislation that triples the bottle handling fee but allows grocery stores and other retail entities to opt out of the collection system, a fact that could significantly reduce redemption access.

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Study: Modernized bottle bills boost redemption, save money

Published: March 23, 2022

Bottle return at a reverse vending machine.

A study found that modernizing bottle bills in five Northeast states could create up to $160 million in savings to local governments and add up to $1.4 billion to the region’s economy annually. | Pazargic Liviu/Shutterstock

By updating older deposit return systems, states can create jobs, increase municipal savings and boost recycling rates, according to research from nonprofit Reloop North America.
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Conference panelists outline state of plastics recycling policy

Published: March 7, 2022


David Biderman, far right, addresses the audience at the 2022 Plastics Recycling Conference | Brian Adams Photo

Interest in minimum-recycled-content mandates and extended producer responsibility bills is at an all-time high, but the reality of passing legislation is more complicated, according to industry experts.

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Bottle bills erode MRF revenues but create municipal savings

Published: March 7, 2022

PET bottles for recycling.

Container deposit systems have benefits for municipalities, but MRFs are likely to see revenues decline as valuable PET and aluminum are removed from their material stream. | Myibean/Shutterstock

Though container deposit systems typically help lift recovery rates for covered materials, the programs also usually reduce tonnages of high-quality PET and aluminum going to sorting facilities. A new study helps to quantify those potential impacts.

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National bottle bill likely to land in Congress soon

Published: February 9, 2022

Bottle return at a reverse vending machine.

In the draft bill, deposits are set at at least 10 cents for containers under 24 fluid ounces and 15 cents for containers larger than that. | Veja/Shutterstock

West Coast lawmakers plan to introduce a national container deposit bill that one advocate says has a better chance of passing than past proposals because of wide “industry engagement.”

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