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C-suite survey shows sustainability top choice for cuts

Published: August 9, 2022

Business management meeting with documents.

Nearly 40% of surveyed CFOs and CEOs said that sustainability initiatives would be the first cut in tight financial times. | Jirapong Manustrong/Shutterstock

A survey of CEOs and chief financial officers suggested that when businesses are considering cuts amid current economic headwinds, sustainability initiatives are among the first to go.

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State legislators explain why they’re drawn to EPR

Published: August 9, 2022

Documents stacked in an office.

Legislators recently spoke about their challenges and successes with EPR legislation. | Banlai/Shutterstock

Four state-level elected officials who have worked on extended producer responsibility bills for packaging recently discussed how they became champions of recycling policy and offered tips to help advance legislation.

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Province sees higher packaging collection rates

Published: August 9, 2022

Recycling carts in front of a brick wall.

For the second year in a row, Recycle BC observed “significant growth” in collected metrics tons, with a 17% increase over the past two years. | Stephen Griffith/Shutterstock

British Columbia’s paper and plastic packaging collection rates rebounded in 2021 after pandemic-related challenges, reaching a record-high recovery rate of just over 94%.

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Recycling and composting bills pass Senate

Published: August 2, 2022

View of the U.S. capitol in Washington, D.C.

The industry-supported bills would establish a grant program and mandate better reporting. | Orhan Cam/Shutterstock

The U.S. Senate unanimously passed two bills that would improve rural recycling and composting accessibility as well as boost data collection, sending the legislation to the House for a vote.

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McKinsey: By one key measure, plastics beat alternatives

Published: August 2, 2022

Different beverage containers, metal, glass and plastic.

Researchers found that plastics can offer lower greenhouse gas emissions than substitutes in a number of use cases. | VanderWolf/Shutterstock

The severe impact of plastic ocean pollution has long been recognized, but research firm McKinsey wants to inject some of plastic’s climate benefits into the collective materials usage discussion.

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