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Plastic industry’s $1B waste effort begins to outline projects

Published: May 20, 2020


The Alliance to End Plastic Waste announced earlier this month it would be supporting a female-led plastics recycling plant in Ghana. | Courtesy of ASASE Foundation.

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste is currently working to implement more than a dozen initiatives worldwide. The group’s leader recently explained key details, as well as how COVID-19 has impacted progress.

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EU group: Markets are crippling reclaimers

Published: May 20, 2020


Industry group Plastic Recyclers Europe is asking the European Union (EU) and individual countries to include recycling in their recovery plans. | sakhorn/Shutterstock

Coronavirus shutdown impacts have converged with low virgin plastic prices to spell significant struggles for European plastics reclaimers, according to a trade association.

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One state moves to restart container deposit program

Published: May 20, 2020

Empty plastic beverage bottles for recycling.

Connecticut will begin a phased-in deposit program resumption on May 20. | monticello/Shutterstock

Connecticut retailers will begin accepting deposit containers on a limited basis this week and will ramp up to full service early next month. COVID-19 disruptions to deposit programs continue in other states.

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Unifi, Trex and Greystone describe business conditions

Published: May 13, 2020

A spread of business financial documents.

Despite challenges caused by the pandemic starting in March, the first quarter of 2020 showed strong sales for some businesses that use recycled plastic. | Chaosamran_Studio/Shutterstock

Three major recycled plastic consumers recently reported their business performance during the first few months of 2020. They touched on COVID-19, recycled material costs and their outlook for the future.

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Plastics takeaways from TerraCycle’s earnings report

Published: May 13, 2020

TerraCycle U.S. office in Trenton, N.J.

TerraCycle US sold $5.81 million worth of recycled plastic and other materials in 2019, well over double its net sales from the prior year. | Courtesy of TerraCycle.

This article has been updated.

A car seat recycling deal with a major retailer helped boost TerraCycle’s recovered commodity sales by over $3.5 million last year, according to a financial report.

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