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Details on Circulate Capital’s Indian plastics investments

Published: December 23, 2020

Workers at the Dalmia Polypro Industries facility.

Circulate Capital invested in Dalmia Polypro Industries, a plastic bottle recycling company based in Mumbai, India. | Courtesy of Circulate Capital.

The U.S. and Europe have had formal recycling infrastructure in place for decades. That’s not the case in India, where Circulate Capital just invested millions of dollars to boost infrastructure and reduce ocean plastics generation.

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Congress passes more PPP aid for businesses

Published: December 23, 2020

U.S. Capitol building with sky and clouds.

The latest bill includes $284 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program. | Dennis Diatel/Shutterstock

Congress sent President Trump a spending bill that includes $900 billion in coronavirus-related relief aid, with nearly one-third of the money dedicated to small business assistance.

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Recycling operators sound off on packaging EPR

Published: December 23, 2020

Sorted household recyclables.

Packaging EPR programs are currently in place in parts of Europe, Canada and elsewhere, but to date, this system hasn’t reached the U.S. | Skylines/Shutterstock

Extended producer responsibility for a wide range of recyclables is gaining steam around the country. Haulers and facility operators say it’s critical that these proposals are crafted well – both to preserve what already works and allow for much-needed changes.

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Electronics producer scales up PCR use

Published: December 16, 2020

Closeup of a Logitech keyboard.

Logitech estimates it will have shipped more than 50 million devices that include recycled plastic by the end of 2021. | Marco Curaba/Shutterstock

Logitech has used more post-consumer plastic in its keyboards, mice, webcams and other products over the past three years.

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Loop: Outside review disproves ‘smoke and mirrors’ allegations

Published: December 16, 2020

Closeup of baled plastic bottles.

A research firm found that Loop’s process breaks down scrap PET into material streams that are pure enough to be used to make new PET. | noisuk Photo/Shutterstock

To counter accusations that its technology claims are bogus, Loop Industries has released the results of an independent review confirming its PET depolymerization process works.

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Packaging products receive recyclability recognition

Published: December 16, 2020

Rubber stamp of the word "Passed"

A number of packaging innovations were recently tested and confirmed as compatible with recycling systems. | Castleski/Shutterstock

Recent testing has shown that several bottle label innovations and a barrier tube package are compatible with plastics recycling processes, according to the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR).

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US reclaimer to supply PCR to virgin plastics giant

Published: December 9, 2020

Revolution company truck.

Revolution recycles plastics from agricultural and other sources at its plants in Stuttgart, Ark., and Salinas, Calif. | Courtesy of Revolution.

This story has been updated.

Revolution signed a deal to provide NOVA Chemicals with post-consumer resin for sale to NOVA’s customers. Separately, NOVA will research end markets for recycled flexible film pet food packaging.

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Groups question US-Canada Basel arrangement

Published: December 9, 2020

Cargo shipping containers.

Because the U.S. is not a party to the Basel Convention, exports to the 180-plus countries that are parties to the convention will be more complicated, or may even be prohibited by local laws. | AnkaFed/Shutterstock

The U.S. government has made public an agreement with Canada to continue scrap plastic shipments despite global regulations tightening next year. Environmental advocates are troubled by the deal.

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