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PET recycling startup signs deal with prime producer

Published: July 21, 2021

View of SK Global Chemicals and Loop Industries staff signing documents.

Na Kyung-soo, CEO of SK Global Chemical, signs the strategic investment agreement with Loop Industries on June 23. | Courtesy of SK Global Chemical

Quebec-based Loop Industries is receiving a $56 million equity investment from plastics giant SK Global Chemical to help it grow its PET depolymerization business.

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Groups propose blueprint for federal recycling spending

Published: July 21, 2021

Baled plastics for recycling.

The recently drafted “Recycling Infrastructure Plan” includes requests for funding of $3.3 billion in physical infrastructure and $3.3 billion for infrastructure support policies and programs for the first year. | zlikovec / Shutterstock

Nonprofit organizations have drafted a plan for federal spending on recycling infrastructure, and much of the document takes aim at plastics.

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Nation’s first packaging EPR bill is signed into law

Published: July 14, 2021

Maine state house in Augusta.

Maine’s new law requires packaging producers to fund the recycling of their products. | Sean Pavone / Shutterstock

The governor of Maine has signed legislation establishing extended producer responsibility for packaging materials in the state. It’s the first bill of its kind to become law in the U.S.

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ACC calls for 30% recycled content mandate in packaging

Published: July 14, 2021

Baled plastics for recycling.

The American Chemistry Council’s position statement comes at a time of heightened legislative activity on plastics. | Natallia Boroda / Shutterstock

A major industry group is urging Congress to adopt a national recycled plastic standard, facilitate “rapid scaling” of the chemical recycling sector, and more.

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Turkey reverses ban on scrap plastic imports

Published: July 14, 2021


Early this month, Turkey’s ban on scrap PE imports went into effect. But just days later, the government repealed the regulation. | gd_project / Shutterstock

Shortly after barring recovered PE from import into the country, Turkey’s government has repealed the ban and implemented an enhanced licensing system instead.

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