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First Person Perspective: How packaging decisions can make a big impact on food waste

Published: January 11, 2021

Tomatoes in plastic packaging.

Most food waste consists of meats, vegetables, fruit and bakery products, according to a recent Denkstatt report.

The need to reduce food waste has escalated as an issue during COVID-19. In response to current realities, consumers have raced to grocery stores to stockpile food, often buying in surplus. Now, we’re seeing food’s perishability firsthand.

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Reclaimer in Focus: PreZero

Published: January 11, 2021

PreZero facility exterior.

Once PreZero’s California plant hits full scale, the facility will be producing 24 million pounds per year of film pellets.

A company planning multiple U.S. processing plants taking in hard-to-recycle plastics has begun operating its first location in Southern California.

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