China’s three-month-old import action has stalled shipments of some recovered plastics from the U.S. and led to substantial import fee increases.
China’s three-month-old import action has stalled shipments of some recovered plastics from the U.S. and led to substantial import fee increases.
Converting used plastics into ultra-low-sulphur diesel fuel yields notable environmental benefits over traditional oil drilling and refining processes, according to a U.S. lab.
Nestle Waters North America will invest $6 million into the Closed Loop Fund, adding to the pool of money used to finance recycling infrastructure projects nationwide.
Avangard Innovative is continuing its efforts to optimize plastics recycling streams with the assistance of new technology, and the results are playing into bale price negotiations.
With the frequency of container deposit-related legislation, advocates often look to other states for examples of what to expect when a new law is proposed, and there’s no shortage of states to refer to.
Virgin and recycled PP prices will likely remain above historical averages until additional prime PP capacity comes on-line in the next couple of years, a markets forecasting expert said.
The world’s largest retailer has identified packaging recyclability as a key component of Project Gigaton, its recently announced effort to reduce greenhouse gases in its supply chain.
The recycling of non-container plastics is receiving more and more attention in Europe. A key reason for this interest is the rising tonnages of pots, tubs and trays being collected.
A startup is using microwave technology in an innovative conversion process that allows for small units that can be sold to large plastics generators and other stakeholders.
In the not-too-distant future, artificial intelligence may see and control all that’s happening in a recycling facility. But first, it’s going to do some work on a quality control line.