During a series of tests aimed at optimizing PET thermoform recycling, researchers made a key discovery: the mechanical dryer they used wasn’t just drying out flakes. It was also beating them up, generating a huge amount of fines. Continue Reading
During a series of tests aimed at optimizing PET thermoform recycling, researchers made a key discovery: the mechanical dryer they used wasn’t just drying out flakes. It was also beating them up, generating a huge amount of fines. Continue Reading
Plastic bags continue to be a focus for state legislatures this year, but actions taken diverge dramatically. Recent movement includes one state aiming to ban plastic bag use, as another prohibits that possibility altogether.
Markets were on the minds of readers last month, with a number of our most popular stories offering analysis on demand for recovered plastic material.
A study has backed up a frequent message among plastics recycling companies: Successful recyclability starts in the product design phase.
Demand for HDPE scrap bales retreated a bit in early April following a mid-March surge. This lackluster demand, coupled with rising bale supply from major population centers, drove scrap prices lower.
How can recycling players be sure their material choices aren’t damaging other links in the recovery chain? One industry collaboration has developed a resource to help.
Drones patrol Britain’s beaches in search of shoreline plastics, and prices rise in the U.S. for recovered HDPE and PET.
At least three critical issues confront the European PET recycling market, and one of them is having a profound impact on HDPE recovery.
A startup commercializing an innovative PET depolymerization technology has inked its first deal with a major brand owner.