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Here are the latest film and non-bottle rigid recycling stats

Published: August 19, 2020

Plastic bags for recycling.

Just over 1 billion pounds of post-consumer bag and film plastics were recovered in 2018. | Pavel Kubarkov/Shutterstock

The amount of U.S. film and non-bottle rigids collected for recycling decreased in 2018, but domestic processors took in more of the material, according to More Recycling.

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An ambitious recycling policy proposal could go local

Published: August 19, 2020

Plastic waste collected piled high in a trash bin.

Sen. Tom Udall and Rep. Alan Lowenthal recently outlined how components of their national recycling act might be adapted to fit different states. | DeawSS/Shutterstock

Two members of Congress who have pushed for EPR, a national deposit system and more are now encouraging state and municipal lawmakers to introduce their own versions of the legislation.

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Plastic exports drop 18% in first half of 2020

Published: August 12, 2020

Cargo ship at port.

The U.S. exported 635 million pounds of scrap plastic during the first half of the year, down 18% year over year. | Halawi/Shutterstock

New trade figures show lower year-over-year exports of recovered plastic from January to June. The decline was largely driven by less material going to India.

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Oregon deposit return rate increased in 2019

Published: August 12, 2020

Empty plastic bottles for recycling.

By material type, the percentage of plastic containers redeemed through the Oregon deposit program increased more than other materials in 2019. | Picsfive/Shutterstock

Consumers in Oregon last year returned 86% of all beverage containers covered under the state’s container deposit program, according to newly released figures.

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Scrap plastic exports plummet 47% this year

Published: August 7, 2019


U.S. exporters shipped out 773 million pounds of scrap plastic in the first half of 2019. | aapsky/Shutterstock

Federal trade statistics released last week show U.S. export volumes for the first six months of 2019. Recycled plastics have seen a major drop when compared with figures from a year ago.

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Startup leverages cryptocurrency to push plastics recovery

Published: August 5, 2020

A phone with the ZeLoop app on screen.

Users of the ZeLoop app will receive cryptocurrency for bringing materials to recycling collection sites. | Courtesy of ZeLoop.

A mobile app in beta testing seeks to reward users for properly recycling materials at drop-off locations. The company says an exchange of currency is vital to the process.

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Brightmark seeking 2.4 billion pounds of US mixed plastics

Published: August 5, 2020

Sorted plastics at a recycling facility.

Brightmark is seeking over 1,000,000 tons of difficult-to-recycle plastics for chemical recycling. | hiv360/Shutterstock

A chemical recycling firm is on the hunt for a massive quantity of plastics Nos. 1-7, material the company plans to process at plastics-to-fuel facilities across the country.

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