An integrated plastics reclaimer counters claims about the non-recyclability of black plastics, and a UK company develops a more-efficient plastics-to-oil process using water.
An integrated plastics reclaimer counters claims about the non-recyclability of black plastics, and a UK company develops a more-efficient plastics-to-oil process using water.
A solvent-based process will be used to recover polymers from multi-layer flexible packaging and fiber-reinforced plastics, and sorting technologies have been installed in New Zealand’s first PET recycling plant.
The acquisition of a U.S. PET reclaimer captured clicks last month. | Lipik Stock Media/Shutterstock
A diverse group of stories drew readers’ attention last month, touching on chemical recycling, infrastructure needs and a legal case.
Cargo ships on the water in California. | Sheila Fitzgerald/Shutterstock
The first six months of 2019 have been a news whirlwind for the plastics recycling sector, with continued export shakeups, major investment announcements, and bold strategy moves by both brands and processors.
Instead of using a tipping trailer to empty containers full of resin, A-Ward makes a container unloader that can get the job done as quickly – or slowly – as necessary.