An integrated e-scrap recycling and metals refining company has paid more than $2 million for the facility and equipment of bankrupt e-scrap company Zloop.
An integrated e-scrap recycling and metals refining company has paid more than $2 million for the facility and equipment of bankrupt e-scrap company Zloop.
The collapse of e-scrap company Creative Recycling Systems is still being felt in South Carolina, where nearly a dozen solid waste agencies are being sued by Creative’s former landlord.
A trucking company is suing two electronics recycling firms and a logistics provider, claiming they were responsible for a battery explosion and fire that injured employees and damaged property.
A North Carolina company that once hoped to establish e-scrap recycling across the U.S. using a franchise system now finds itself in bankruptcy and embroiled in a series of legal disputes.
Telecommunications giant Comcast has agreed to pay the state of California a hefty sum for illegally disposing of e-scrap and other devices over the past decade and for failing to protect customer information.
A southeast U.S. e-scrap company that recently filed for bankruptcy says it is out of cash and has CRT devices on hand, although the exact volume of material is unclear.
Outerwall, the publicly traded firm that owns electronics trade-in company ecoATM, has been facing financial pressure. A recent report from Outerwall shows ecoATM lost more than $100 million last year.
The Secure E-Waste Export and Recycling Act calls for extensive restrictions on exports of end-of-life electronics in the name of thwarting illegal counterfeiting operations abroad.
An electronics manufacturers group is holding a contest to spur research into electronics and applicance recovery in the U.K. Continue Reading
Sage Sustainable Electronics is moving the headquarters of its recently acquired Hugo Neu Recycling business and has sold equipment formerly used at a Hugo Neu operation.