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The factors behind one state’s collection site closures

Published: February 24, 2022

Electronics collected for recycling.

The executive director of the National Center for Electronics Recycling explains why Oregonians will lose several e-scrap collection sites. | akiyoko/Shutterstock

The loss of several e-scrap collection sites in Oregon is causing consternation in some communities, and now the legislature is mulling a bill meant to temporarily address the situation.

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Quantum acquisitions part of push to move beyond recycling

Published: February 17, 2022

Quantum's Brampton, Ontario facility.

With its acquisition of TechReset, Quantum Lifecycle Partners will add staff to its Brampton, Ontario ITAD facility. | Courtesy of Quantum Lifecycle Partners

Two recent actions by Quantum Lifecycle Partners deepen the Canadian processor’s involvement in the reuse business and expand its ITAD customer base.

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Battery recycling startups raise funds and plan growth

Published: February 17, 2022

Laptop batteries for recycling.

Battery recycling firm Nth Cycle recently raised over $12M to fund commercial deployment of the company’s recovery technology. | DAMRONG RATTANAPONG/Shutterstock

As electric vehicles and lithium-ion battery devices become ever-more ubiquitous, battery recyclers are expanding their operations and improving technology. The following are updates on two startups.

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Sims bulks up data center capabilities globally

Published: February 10, 2022

Servicing a hard disk at a data center.

Sims Lifecycle Services opened a 100,000-square-foot redeployment facility in Atlanta, as the company pushes further into the business of managing equipment from data centers.  | Mikhail Starodubov

Electronics processor Sims Lifecycle Services is expanding both domestically and internationally, opening a new facility in Atlanta and adding several new shredding vehicles to its German fleet.

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Report: COVID-19 affected ITAD companies less in 2021

Published: February 3, 2022

Data center server replacement - Mikhail Starodubov-Shutterstock

The value of used servers skyrocketed 71% over the last three years, according to Cascade Asset Management’s report. | Mikhail Starodubov/Shutterstock

The value of refurbished laptops and servers in 2021 remained higher than pre-pandemic, according to a report from Cascade Asset Management, though laptop prices fell slightly from 2020 highs.

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Former ECS Refining owners settle suit alleging sabotage

Published: January 27, 2022

Court gavel rests on a book against a black background.

The settlement with James and Kenneth Taggart comes after nearly four years of legal battling following the 2018 bankruptcy and closure of ECS. | Nikolay Antonov/Shutterstock

James and Kenneth Taggart and their insurance provider agreed to pay $1.35 million to settle a lawsuit alleging they intentionally crippled their e-scrap company to fend off bankers who were angling for a hostile takeover.

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