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Morgan Stanley names vendor in data security case

Published: August 19, 2021

Morgan Stanley company logo on screen under magnifying glass.

A court filing this month revealed more details about data mismanagement that occurred during asset disposition at Morgan Stanley locations. | Mr. Tempter / Shutterstock

Morgan Stanley has identified the data center decommissioning provider it claims was responsible for a data-breach incident, which led to lawsuits and a $60 million penalty against the financial giant.

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Processor’s profits boosted by pivot to data center work

Published: August 19, 2021

Data center server room

Sims Lifecycle Services, the electronics processing branch of metals recycling giant Sims Limited, reported boosted earnings during its 2021 fiscal year. | Sanchai Khudpin/ Shutterstock

Sims Lifecycle Services is finding that repurposing data center devices continues to be considerably more profitable than recycling e-scrap, financial disclosures show.

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What do consumers think about data destruction?

Published: August 19, 2021

A stack of laptops and mobile devices.

Only 11 of 131 study respondents said they didn’t try to remove any personal data before disposing of a device. | Neirfy / Shutterstock

Consumers are overwhelmingly concerned about their personal data, and most of them try to delete it before selling or recycling their devices, according to new research.

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Device leasing firm draws $1 billion in funding

Published: August 12, 2021

People shaking hands at a business meeting.

Grover offers a wide range of devices available for lease by consumers, including computers, smartphones, drones, gaming devices, and many more. | Micolas / Shutterstock

Grover, a European company that provides subscription access to consumer technology, recently secured massive investment capital, underscoring wider interest in a model that maximizes device life span and facilitates end-of-life recycling.

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