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Tag Archives: research

Experts discuss trade-offs of recycled-content mandates

Published: January 24, 2022

Empty PET bottles for recycling.

A recent webinar brought together experts to cover the benefits and complications of recycled-content mandates.| Monticello/Shutterstock

Recycled-content laws are a tool for driving post-consumer resin demand. But what if producers are given too many outs, feedstock is in short supply, or the mandates actually result in greater environmental harm?

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Study: Decision to recycle is only the first step

Published: December 14, 2021

Household recycling bins to separate materials.

A research study found consumers are most likely to recycle when it is made as easy as possible, meaning that recycling availability and clear instructions are important. | Alexsandra Suzi/Shutterstock

Research commissioned by the Carton Council identified logistical and psychological factors that play into recycling habits. The study suggests boosting residential materials recovery will require more than convincing consumers recycling is the right choice.

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REMADE announces $33M in research grants

Published: December 7, 2021

Research concept with test tubes and dropper with liquid.

The fifth round of funding from the REMADE Institute will go to 23 projects. | Alex Traksel/Shutterstock

Novelis, the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Resource Recycling Systems and a number of other familiar recycling industry names are involved with projects that received federal funding.

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Report examines how to boost recycling markets in Texas

Published: October 5, 2021

Bales of plastics in a recycling facility.

A new report shows the bulk of recyclables collected in Texas are processed at 31 MRFs. | RYosha / Shutterstock

A comprehensive look at the Lone Star State’s recycling system identified several strategies governments can use to bolster recycling market development in their jurisdictions, including recycled-content mandates and public procurement policies.

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Editorial analysis: Population change will affect recycling

Published: September 8, 2021

Recycling carts stored before use.

A longtime recycling expert analyzes census data to help predict future recycling industry trends. | Grzejnik / Shutterstock

The release of the U.S. census for the decade of 2010 to 2020 points to important ways municipal recycling initiatives will change in the coming years. An assessment points to five key trends that will affect materials recovery efforts.

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Google explores how to capture 4.5 billion tons of plastic

Published: August 24, 2021

Stacked bales of mixed plastics.

Google’s report noted headwinds to plastics recovery including unfavorable economics for recycled resins compared with virgin resins. | maciej nicgorski / Shutterstock

A report from Google lays out how mechanical and chemical recycling, a virgin plastic production tax, consumer incentives and more can increase plastics recovery over the next two decades.

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