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Tag Archives: plastics

Republic plans to produce recycled-content resin

Published: July 31, 2023


A rendering of one of four Blue Polymers plants that will be built in various regions of the U.S. | Courtesy of Republic Services

Republic Services is moving deeper into plastics processing, launching a $350 million joint venture with a global polymers firm Ravago to produce recycled pellet at four U.S. facilities. Continue Reading

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WM and Republic move forward on major plastic plans

Published: March 27, 2023


Both WM and Republic are vertically integrating, with the former making acquisitions and the latter drawing up plans for a new facility. | Lipik Stok Media/Shutterstock

Seeing big business opportunities, the two largest garbage and recycling companies in North America will put tens of millions of dollars into expanding their downstream plastics processing capabilities in coming years. 

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Oregon PET facility upgrade will nearly double capacity

Published: June 26, 2023


Two new wet grinders have been installed next to the old one at the ORPET recycling plant in St. Helens, Ore. | Jared Paben/Resource Recycling

A Pacific Northwest PET reclaimer is working to expand its capacity, with an eye toward continued population growth in Oregon and a potential bottle bill on the horizon in Washington state.  Continue Reading

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Insight from voices at the center of environmental justice

Published: June 20, 2023


Speakers on the “Frontline Communities” panel included (from left) Sandra Gonza, Jo Banner, Paulina Lopez and Joy Banner. | Dan Leif/Resource Recycling

As companies across the sector try to navigate concerns around environmental justice, leaders of activist groups have some advice: Stop and listen to the local community first. Continue Reading

Brands make sustainability moves, but use more plastic

Published: January 9, 2023

McDonald's drink cups and straws discarded on concrete.

WWF found that 34% of members’ plastic footprint was recycled, 9% incinerated, 43% landfilled and 15% mismanaged. | Kraft74/Shutterstock

In 2021, major brands increased their use of recycled material and cut back on “problematic plastics,” but the amount of plastic they put on the market grew by over 5%, according to the World Wildlife Fund.

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EPA weighs in on cuts to plastic production, food waste

Published: April 24, 2023


The EPA recently published an estimate of U.S. food waste in the food retail/service and residential sectors. | KariDesign/Shutterstock

The U.S. EPA released a plastics pollution plan that supports steps to reduce production of single-use and difficult-to-recycle plastics. Meanwhile, the agency released data showing the county is moving in the wrong direction on food waste. Continue Reading

Glad Products sued over its ‘recycling’ bags

Published: March 27, 2023

Court gavel resting on a desk.

The California lawsuit alleges that because Glad’s bags are not recyclable and most collection programs don’t accept bagged recyclables, it is misleading to advertise them as recycling bags. | BCFC/Shutterstock

Another consumer products brand owner has been hauled into court over its marketing of plastic bags for use in recyclables collection.  Continue Reading