Curbside fiber prices may remain depressed, but values of aluminum cans and PET have increased notably this month.
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Executives expressed mixed opinions about whether commodity prices would increase or remain flat in 2023. | Courtesy of Republic Services
A late-year crash in commodity prices crippled what would have otherwise been a strong 2022 for some of the largest recyclables sorting and marketing operations in North America.
Berry brand owner Driscoll’s has worked with its clamshell suppliers to boost the percentage of recycled PET derived from used thermoforms. | Courtesy of Driscoll’s
Clamshell containers used by berry brand Driscoll’s last year contained an average of 9% recycled PET sourced from used thermoforms. Continue Reading
Even though OCC bales are currently selling for unusually low prices, many producers are seeing their savings offset by increased costs in other areas. | Kenishirotie/Shutterstock
Recycled paper product producers may be enjoying the lower OCC prices as 2022 comes to a close, but those giant manufacturers are still facing higher inflationary pressures in other areas, several executives recently noted.
In light of last year’s high, bale prices in recent months look especially bleak. | Huguette Roe/Shutterstock
Northeastern U.S. MRFs reported their recyclables bales fetched an average of $100 per ton during the third quarter, a steep drop from the prior quarter. Continue Reading
Company leaders said during recent investor calls they expect fourth-quarter 2022 recyclables values to be far below third-quarter figures. | David Tonelson/Shutterstock
Plummeting recyclables prices took a bite out of the largest haulers’ revenues during the third quarter, and executives foresee worse prices to come.