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Tag Archives: markets

Thermoform recycling operation coming to California

Published: November 12, 2019


Green Impact Plastics will build a PET thermoform processing facility in California after reclaimer rPlanet Earth agreed to buy its output. | Courtesy of Green Impact Plastics

A Mexican company that developed a system to process post-consumer PET thermoforms will open a $7 million plant in the Los Angeles area. It’s now on the hunt for thermoform bales. Continue Reading

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TerraCycle reports boosted sales and income numbers

Published: October 1, 2019


Most of TerraCycle’s revenue comes from four separate operating segments.  | Poungsaed Studio/Shutterstock

A company that focuses on hard-to-recycle materials says new partnerships with brand owners and increased sales of mail-in recycling boxes drove better financial results during the first half of 2019.

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Trump to visit new recycled paper mill

Published: September 17, 2019


President Trump plans to join Australia’s prime minister on a paper mill tour Sept. 22. | Michael Candelori/Shutterstock

Pratt Industries’ 100% recycled containerboard mill in Wapakoneta, Ohio will host President Donald Trump for a tour this weekend, putting a spotlight on a major new end-market for recovered paper.

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