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Tag Archives: industry groups

COVID-19 cases disrupt more recycling programs

Published: June 30, 2020

Medical masks arranged on a blue background.

Industry group SWANA is working with the federal government to supply free face coverings for the waste and recycling industry. | beton studio/Shutterstock

Coronavirus infections among workers have caused a MRF to shutter and delayed collection of recyclables elsewhere. The federal government and one state are working to provide masks and funding to help programs cope.

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Tools aim to foster better MRF contracts

Published: July 7, 2020

Signing a contract.

A new guide helps public agencies and private MRF operators craft contract language both sides find fair. | fizkes/Shutterstock

A MRF and municipality may feel their contract is fair, until a dive in commodity prices or spike in contamination leaves someone unhappy. A new report from The Recycling Partnership strives to help the parties prepare for difficult circumstances.
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NERC survey offers insight into today’s MRF economics

Published: August 27, 2019


The Northeast Recycling Council released its first estimate of average bale value in the northeastern U.S. | Grischa Georgiew/Shutterstock

An average ton of recyclables in the northeastern U.S. is worth $46, according to the Northeast Recycling Council. The estimate came from what will be an ongoing survey.

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The details on a $1.8M MRF upgrade in Midwest

Published: September 4, 2019


Residents of Petoskey, Mich. in Emmet County will benefit from a $1.8 million MRF upgrade. | Kenneth Sponsler/Shutterstock

A tight labor market, aging equipment, an evolving ton and difficult recyclables markets have spurred a Michigan county to upgrade its MRF. Robots are among the technologies to be installed.

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