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Tag Archives: collection

Range of stakeholders offer up industry analysis

Published: February 25, 2020


A recent Greenpeace report noted companies are increasingly calling a wider variety of products “recyclable.” | Marko Rupena/Shutterstock

Several recycling industry reports were recently released, including a Greenpeace indictment of recyclability labeling, the latest updates from Closed Loop Partners, and one state’s investigation of food waste in public schools.

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Key curbside plastics no longer ‘widely’ recyclable

Published: February 11, 2020


How2Recycle announced that all PP tubs, trays, bottles and cups will now be labeled with the organization’s “check locally” label. | Josep Curto/Shutterstock

Changes in U.S. recycling programs led the How2Recycle labeling initiative to downgrade recyclability classifications for non-bottle rigid PET containers and certain PP products, potentially impacting recovery of those materials.

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ISRI to consider residential recyclables specs

Published: February 11, 2020

curbside carts

The ISRI Board of Directors will consider the new specifications during its winter meeting on Feb. 21. | Thanatos Media/Shutterstock

Recycling coordinators, MRFs and others tend to refer to material in different ways. Draft specifications from an industry group aim to help put all parties on the same page.

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Q&A: Ups and downs collecting plastic bags curbside

Published: October 25, 2016


David W McCaryThe City of San Antonio began accepting plastic bags in curbside single-stream carts two years ago. In its first year, 550 tons were recovered through the program, but that number fell by more than two-thirds in the second year.

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Brand owner trials film-on-the-side curbside recycling

Published: January 14, 2020

Curbside film recycling in N.J.

Through the Bradley Beach, N.J. partnership, SC Johnson is providing financial support to assist with infrastructure costs. | Courtesy of SC Johnson

SC Johnson recently launched a pilot curbside film collection program in a small New Jersey community. Rather than mix film into existing single-stream recycling, the program has residents use a dedicated container.

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City staff disciplined for landfilling recyclables

Published: August 13, 2019

Houston downtown skyline.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner released a statement noting that 23 drivers and four supervisors will face disciplinary action. | Sean Pavone/Shutterstock

Staff members in the city of Houston’s solid waste department are facing punishment after an internal audit found 1,300 tons of recyclables were landfilled.

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