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Tag Archives: challenging materials

Strategic Materials agrees to pay battery disposal fine

Published: August 6, 2019

Batteries of various sizes.

Batteries made their way to Strategic Materials’ facility as contamination in the curbside recycling stream. | ANGHI/Shutterstock

A glass recycling facility will pay $1.2 million to settle allegations of improper disposal of batteries, which shouldn’t have arrived at its facility in the first place.

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How a startup is recovering multi-layer flexible packaging

Published: August 6, 2019


Argentina-based Arqlite’s first gravel products were sold to customers earlier this year. | Courtesy of Arqlite.

Consulting firm B-Green was helping consumer brand owners reduce waste to landfill, but the companies’ packaging lacked a diversion solution. So B-Green went to work developing a recycling technology and end product.

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Some e-scrap firms pay out in TV stockpile suit

Published: July 23, 2019

CRT monitors for recycling.

A number of e-scrap companies are defending themselves in court. | Somchai Som/Shutterstock

A dozen electronics recycling companies will cut checks totaling $517,000 to settle allegations they’re partially responsible for abandoned cathode-ray tube materials in Ohio. Meanwhile, 15 other recycling companies appear set to duke it out with landowners in court.

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Petrochem giants open up on ‘plastics waste problem’

Published: March 19, 2019

Speakers on stage at the 2019 Plastics Recycling Conference and Trade Show.

Americas Styrenics’ Jon Timbers, left, talks during the opening session of the 2019 Plastics Recycling Conference and Trade Show.

Executives from large resin makers say circular economy principles are key to their companies’ long-term viability. Putting such a strategy into action will be no easy task, however.

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