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Future of recycling policy in California could be decided soon

Published: June 21, 2022

California flag and U.S. flag with blue sky background.

California legislators, environmentalists and industry groups are working on a plastics pollution and recycling bill that they hope will persuade ballot measure backers to withdraw their initiative before the deadline at the end of this month. | rarrarorro/Shutterstock

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Recyclability labeling lawsuit launched in Connecticut

Published: June 21, 2022

Court gavel resting on books and wooden desk.

A lawsuit takes aim at product marketing claims made by Reynolds Consumer Products around recycling and recyclability. | rawf8/Shutterstock

Connecticut’s attorney general sued Reynolds Consumer Products over the marketing of its Hefty trash bags as recyclable, bringing truth-in-labeling lawsuits to another U.S. state.

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Congress targets recycling and composting ‘information gaps’

Published: June 21, 2022

The U.S. capitol building.

Proposed legislation would direct the EPA to create a comprehensive baseline of data on the U.S. recycling system, report on end markets for collected materials, and more. | ItzaVU/Shutterstock

A bipartisan group of lawmakers has introduced legislation that would call on the federal government to produce in-depth research on the state of America’s recycling and composting systems.

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Industry group: Help us find the plastic bale volumes we need

Published: June 21, 2022

Bales of plastics for recycling.

A European analysis shows 9 million metric tons of discarded plastic was collected for sorting, out of 30 million produced in 2021. | Muhammad Azman/Shutterstock

European plastic recyclers are struggling to get enough material, even as exports of plastics decline and values rise.

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